using HypothesisTests
★ 一標本 t 検定
# OneSampleTTest(v::AbstractVector{T<:Real}, μ0::Real = 0)
# using Random; Random.seed!(777)
# x = round.(10randn(20), digits=1);
x = [-2.3, -2.2, -12.9, -9.0, -10.5, -19.6, 0.1, 0.9, 5.4, -2.4, -6.0, 5.6, 0.5, -3.3, -14.8, -7.1, 10.1, -11.6, -16.1, -20.0];
using Statistics
obj1 = OneSampleTTest(x)
One sample t-test
Population details:
parameter of interest: Mean
value under h_0: 0
point estimate: -5.76
95% confidence interval: (-9.731, -1.789)
Test summary:
outcome with 95% confidence: reject h_0
two-sided p-value: 0.0068
number of observations: 20
t-statistic: -3.035933027748186
degrees of freedom: 19
empirical standard error: 1.89727505427625
obj1.n # 20
obj1.xbar # -5.76
obj1.df # 19
obj1.stderr # 1.89727505427625
obj1.t # -3.035933027748186
obj1.μ0 # 0
pvalue(obj1) # 0.006798032384913854
confint(obj1) # (-9.731042326429021, -1.788957673570978)
☆ 二次データから検定
# OneSampleTTest(xbar::Real, stddev::Real, n::Int, μ0::Real = 0)
OneSampleTTest(mean(x), std(x), length(x))
One sample t-test
Population details:
parameter of interest: Mean
value under h_0: 0
point estimate: -5.76
95% confidence interval: (-9.731, -1.789)
Test summary:
outcome with 95% confidence: reject h_0
two-sided p-value: 0.0068
number of observations: 20
t-statistic: -3.035933027748186
degrees of freedom: 19
empirical standard error: 1.89727505427625
★ 対応のある標本の t 検定
# OneSampleTTest(x::AbstractVector{T<:Real}, y::AbstractVector{T<:Real}, μ0::Real = 0)
内部で,2 つのベクトルの差をとって,OneSampleTTest(v::AbstractVector{T<:Real}, μ0::Real = 0) を呼ぶ。
# using Random; Random.seed!(777)
# x = round.(10randn(20), digits=1);
# y = round.(10randn(20), digits=1);
x = [-2.3, -2.2, -12.9, -9.0, -10.5, -19.6, 0.1, 0.9, 5.4, -2.4, -6.0, 5.6, 0.5, -3.3, -14.8, -7.1, 10.1, -11.6, -16.1, -20.0];
y = [0.2, 2.9, 2.4, 14.8, -15.1, -6.4, 5.3, 9.8, 0.3, 17.1, -4.5, 4.6, -0.8, 16.5, -8.0, -0.7, 0.9, -3.1, 16.6, -6.7];
obj2 = OneSampleTTest(x, y)
One sample t-test
Population details:
parameter of interest: Mean
value under h_0: 0
point estimate: -8.065
95% confidence interval: (-13.0169, -3.1131)
Test summary:
outcome with 95% confidence: reject h_0
two-sided p-value: 0.0029
number of observations: 20
t-statistic: -3.4088330999414715
degrees of freedom: 19
empirical standard error: 2.3659122531221826
obj2.n # 20
obj2.xbar # -8.065000000000001
obj2.df # 19
obj2.stderr # 2.3659122531221826
obj2.t # -3.4088330999414715
obj2.μ0 # 0
pvalue(obj2) # 0.002945026367929675
confint(obj2) # (-13.01691125640409, -3.113088743595913)
★ 独立二標本の t 検定(等分散を仮定する)
# EqualVarianceTTest(x::AbstractVector{T<:Real}, y::AbstractVector{T<:Real})
# using Random; Random.seed!(888)
# x = round.(10randn(20), digits=1);
# y = round.(10randn(25), digits=1);
x = [-8.7, -10.3, -3.9, 10.5, -0.2, 25.7, -1.9, -6.9, 0.5, -7.0, -2.0, 4.3, 7.8, -5.1, 9.9, -12.1, -8.8, 7.7, 10.6, -4.2];
y = [18.3, 12.8, -6.5, 17.9, 12.3, 1.0, -0.1, 2.9, -2.2, -10.5, 3.9, 6.7, 4.1, 5.5, -11.6, -9.2, -4.1, 13.8, -1.3, -2.6, -7.3, -0.7, 1.3, -1.4, -15.5];
obj3 = EqualVarianceTTest(x, y)
Two sample t-test (equal variance)
Population details:
parameter of interest: Mean difference
value under h_0: 0
point estimate: -0.805
95% confidence interval: (-6.3666, 4.7566)
Test summary:
outcome with 95% confidence: fail to reject h_0
two-sided p-value: 0.7718
number of observations: [20,25]
t-statistic: -0.2919013756195737
degrees of freedom: 43
empirical standard error: 2.757780768560449
obj3.n_x # 20
obj3.n_y # 25
obj3.xbar # -0.8050000000000002
obj3.df # 43
obj3.stderr # 2.757780768560449
obj3.t # -0.2919013756195737
obj3.μ0 # 0
pvalue(obj3) # 0.7717657306481219
confint(obj3) # (-6.36659496313637, 4.75659496313637)
★ 独立二標本の t 検定(等分散を仮定しない)
# UnequalVarianceTTest(x::AbstractVector{T<:Real}, y::AbstractVector{T<:Real})
obj4 = UnequalVarianceTTest(x, y)
Two sample t-test (unequal variance)
Population details:
parameter of interest: Mean difference
value under h_0: 0
point estimate: -0.805
95% confidence interval: (-6.4074, 4.7974)
Test summary:
outcome with 95% confidence: fail to reject h_0
two-sided p-value: 0.7730
number of observations: [20,25]
t-statistic: -0.2904053873841886
degrees of freedom: 40.00425561749165
empirical standard error: 2.771987142700746
obj4.n_x # 20
obj4.n_y # 25
obj4.xbar # -0.8050000000000002
obj4.df # 40.00425561749165
obj4.stderr # 2.771987142700746
obj4.t # -0.2904053873841886
obj4.μ0 # 0
pvalue(obj4) # 0.7730062899251595
confint(obj4) # (-6.407376431491471, 4.79737643149147)
★ 二次データからの検定
output(obj) = println("t = $(obj.t), df = $(obj.df), p value = $(pvalue(obj))")
☆ 二次データを用いて対応のある標本の t 検定
function OneSampleTTest(mx::Real, sdx::Real, my::Real, sdy::Real, n::Int, r::Real, μ0::Real = 0)
stderr = sqrt((sdx^2 + sdy^2 - 2r*sqrt(sdx^2 * sdy^2)) / n)
xbar = mx - my
t = (xbar - μ0) / stderr
df = n - 1
OneSampleTTest(n, xbar, df, stderr, t, μ0)
x = randn(30);
y = randn(30);
a = OneSampleTTest(mean(x), std(x), mean(y), std(y), length(x), cor(x, y));
output(a) # t = -1.4421321433740857, df = 29, p value = 0.159978702161144
b = OneSampleTTest(x, y);
output(b) # t = -1.4421321433740855, df = 29, p value = 0.15997870216114402
☆ 二次データを用いて等分散を仮定する独立二標本の t 検定
function EqualVarianceTTest(mx::Real, sdx::Real, nx::Int, my::Real, sdy::Real, ny::Int, μ0::Real = 0)
xbar = mx - my
df = nx + ny - 2
stddev = sqrt(((nx - 1)*sdx^2 + (ny - 1)*sdy^2) / df)
stderr = stddev * sqrt(1/nx + 1/ny)
t = (xbar - μ0) / stderr
EqualVarianceTTest(nx, ny, xbar, df, stderr, t, μ0)
mx, sdx, nx, my, sdy, ny = 10.0, 2.0, 15, 12.0, 3.0, 30
c = EqualVarianceTTest(mx, sdx, nx, my, sdy, ny);
output(c) # t = -2.329349159719606, df = 43, p value = 0.024606293004729628
これが正しいことを示すには,以下の関数で mx, sdx, nx および my, sdy, ny となるデータ x, y を生成し,EqualVarianceTTest(x::AbstractVector{T<:Real}, y::AbstractVector{T<:Real}) を呼んでみればよい。
function gendat(mx, sdx, nx)
x = rand(nx) # どんな分布でもよい。極端な場合は x = 1:nx でもよい。
((x .- mean(x)) / std(x)) .* sdx .+ mx
d = EqualVarianceTTest(gendat(mx, sdx, nx), gendat(my, sdy, ny));
output(d) # t = -2.3293491597196025, df = 43, p value = 0.024606293004729822
☆ 二次データを用いて等分散を仮定しない独立二標本の t 検定
function UnequalVarianceTTest(mx::Real, sdx::Real, nx::Int, my::Real, sdy::Real, ny::Int, μ0::Real = 0)
xbar = mx - my
varx, vary = sdx^2, sdy^2
stderr = sqrt(varx/nx + vary/ny)
t = (xbar - μ0) / stderr
df = (varx/nx + vary/ny)^2 / ((varx/nx)^2 / (nx - 1) + (vary/ny)^2 / (ny - 1))
UnequalVarianceTTest(nx, ny, xbar, df, stderr, t, μ0)
mx, sdx, nx, my, sdy, ny = 10.0, 2.0, 15, 12.0, 3.0, 30
e = UnequalVarianceTTest(mx, sdx, nx, my, sdy, ny);
output(e) # t = -2.6568446566202857, df = 39.24214046822742, p value = 0.01134748068840573
f = UnequalVarianceTTest(gendat(mx, sdx, nx), gendat(my, sdy, ny));
output(f) # t = -2.6568446566202883, df = 39.242140468227426, p value = 0.011347480688405645