

OBDSTAR P50 Adds Toyota Renesas Airbag Reset via CAN FD

2023-07-25 16:45:45 | 日記
OBDSTAR P50 released new Toyota Airbag software in July 2023.

Add Toyota Renesas R7F7016443, R7F7016843 erase and repair crash data.
all by bench, need to use with CANFD adapter.

New Toyota airbag ECU uses Renesas R7F7016443, R7F7016843 MCU controllers, the MCU is encrypted does not support programmer to read and write data.
Replace of new airbag is expensive

New airbag ECU requires programming which is currently only supported by authorized workshops.

P50 supports repair by bench, there is no need to disassemble and read the MCU which save a lot repair costs.