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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 17

2014年08月29日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション



第17日目 奉仕をする





Day 17 – Being of Service

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” ― Maya Angelou

 “Today in meditation we activate the sense of service. But instead of approaching service in the conventional sense, as a sort of obligation, we will look at it from the perspective of higher states of consciousness. In this view, service is not only a humanitarian effort, it is a path of joy and self-realization. It is an opportunity to grow in happiness, not a duty.

Service is listening and acting in response to a call for the unique gifts your life offers. This call is not based on your ego needs, nor does it come from social expectations. The call to service comes from your universal self, the cosmic part of you that directs your spiritual evolution or dharma. This is why being of service to the world is really a joyful expansion of the self.

Today’s meditation brings our awareness in accord to this vision of service”.

Today’s Centering Thought

“My soul expands when I help others.”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Seva Hum – I am service” (Deepak pronounces, Say-vah Hum)


“Welcome to Day 17.  Being of Service.  As far back as I can recall, my prayer has always been the same.  Use me, God.  Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.  How can I be of service?  Well, we’re each here to share our unique gifts with the world.  That is why we’re here, that is the source of the richest happiness we can experience and when we share those gifts with love, effortlessly and joyfully, the world rises up to meet us.  Inevitably we receive so much more than we give.  Gandhi said it best, ‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others’.  That, I know for sure is one of the secrets of soul- expanding happiness.  Open yourself to giving from your heart and listen as Deepak shares his wisdom on Being of Service.  Then we’ll go the still space.”


“When you’re living the happiness that comes from your Being, serving others isn’t an obligation.  It’s not about feeling like you’re a better person, or raising your image in the eyes of others.  Something deeper happens because in serving others at the soul level, you are serving yourself.  This isn’t a mystical experience.  Parents already know what it’s like to feel that their children are extensions of themselves.  There is a complete merging between two lovers that defines romantic love.  When those around us have become a real extension of our larger self, the pursuit of happiness spills beyond the boundaries of the ego.  Take this merging to its ultimate and you arrive at unity consciousness where you perceive no division between you and anything you perceive.

When Jehovah speaks from the burning bush to Moses, the words are a true reflection of unity consciousness, I am that I am.

Service implies action which is why one of the traditional paths to enlightenment in India is known as Karma Yoga, meaning the unity that comes out of right action.  Giving a panhandler a quarter so that he will quit bothering you is not actually Karma Yoga because you don’t actually feel joyful in your gift and you aren’t blessing the person you give to.

You have stepped onto the Karma path whenever you give in the spirit of freeing someone else from care and want while, at the same time, your action brings you bliss.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought.  My soul expands when I help others.  My soul expands when I help others.  

Now let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.  Begin to be aware of your breath and just breathe slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Now gently introduce the mantra, Seva Hum.  This mantra makes the joy of helping others its own reward.  Repeat it silently to yourself.  Seva Hum.  Seva Hum.  Seva Hum.  With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Seva Hum.  Seva Hum.  Seva Hum.  Continue with your meditation. Seva Hum.  Seva Hum.  Seva Hum.  Seva Hum.  Just mentally.  Seva Hum.  Seva Hum.  Seva Hum.  

Release the mantra. Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly.  

When you feel ready you can open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought.  My soul expands when I help others.  My soul expands when I help others.  My soul expands when I help others.  


Journal Questions:

1.  “List the activities that you feel are of greatest service to others.”

2.  “Describe the positive emotions you feel while you are giving of yourself to those who need you. Do you feel transported out of your petty concerns? Do you feel a sense of inner joy in easing someone else’s burden or contributing to their happiness?”

3.  “Describe the spiritual benefits you feel from service, not the gratification your small self might feel, or the recognition you might get.”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”
