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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 2

2014年08月14日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション






honto にも在庫がありました。


2日目 直感を得る



Day 2 Feeling Inspired

“Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.” ― Emily Dickinson 

Message of the day

“Today in meditation, we connect with our inner being, the source of all inspiration, creativity, insight and joy. In opening our hearts and minds to pure spirit, we allow ourselves to take it in to recreate and to renew ourselves. Inspiration is not only for artists and visionaries, we all benefit when our lives are refreshed and revitalized with spirit every day.

Meditation opens us to infinite possibilities and allows us to remake ourselves anew each time we sit in silence. To feel inspired is to step into the present experience unfettered by past disappointments and future fears. You are free to participate in the creative joy of life in the moment.”

Today’s Centering Thought

“I am filled with Spirit”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Shum.  I am inspired”


“Welcome to day 2, Feeling Inspired.  So often, we wait for happiness to come to us in the form of people, places and things.  Did you get an extra hug from someone you love?  Did your boss acknowledge you?  Did someone do something unexpectedly kind that brightened your day?  All of those moments are wonderful but you can experience a richer, deeper and bigger sense of happiness when you allow an openness to all that is in you and around you.  You can be happiness itself, inspired by even the tiniest moments in which you shift the way in which you feel your own essence.  What is that bigger, deeper essence?  It is a sense that arise from within you, a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace that allows you to open up to new possibilities fueled by a connection to what really matters. So get quiet, get ready to be still and feel that essence arise through you as Deepak guides us to the magnificence of true inspiration.  Then we’ll meditate. It’s your internal vision – your own sweet spirit whispering through your life with guidance and grace.  Hear it and you’ll know happiness. “


“Today you will experience the connection between happiness and inspiration.  To be inspired makes you feel happy because you’re being filled by Spirit. That’s the literal meaning of inspiration – every breath can bring in the spirit which can then be experience as joy or insight, a sudden AHA moment, or the quiet flow of contentment.  All of these experiences are part of your awareness and today’s meditation, you will awaken more of the spiritual dimension.

Most of us assume that inspiration is a special gift that belongs to artists, writers and musicians.  In fact, you have this gift too.  It’s important to say to yourself, ‘I want to be inspired, I open myself to it, I welcome it’.  When you have the intention to let Spirit flow through you, you have taken the biggest step toward expanded happiness.

Opening and receiving go together.  Many people have a hard time with these two things.  They are afraid to be open because it makes them feel vulnerable, the unknown is frightening compared to the known.  But if you say to your Spirit, I already know what I want, I already know what I think, I already know how to act, you will find happiness only by repeating what is old and past.  Openness is here and now.  You are not facing the unknown as something to fear.  You are accepting a great spiritual truth, the present moment is eternal because it endlessly renews itself.

Inspiration is just another world for renewal.  What is the next thing that will bring you joy?  You don’t know – it’s totally unpredictable.  This is what we call the wisdom of uncertainty.  Be quiet and receptive inside, open your eyes and the next thing you see may be a source of innocent joy.  In today’s meditation, we will set the stage for this innocent, open state that invites inspiration in.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought, I am filled with Spirit.  I am filled with Spirit.  I am filled with Spirit.   Now, let’s prepare for our meditation. Make yourself comfortable and lose your eyes.  Be aware of your breath and just breathe, slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Gently introduce the mantra, Shum.  This mantra helps you receive spiritual inspiration.  As you repeat the mantra, visualize yourself opening to your natural state of inspiration.  Repeat it silently to yourself, Shum, Shum, Shum.  With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra, Shum.  Shum.  Shum.  Please continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.  Shum.  Shum.  Shum.  Just mentally. Shum.  Shum.  Shum.  Release the mantra.  Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly.  When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought, I am filled with Spirit.  I am filled with Spirit.  I am filled with Spirit.  


Journal Questions:

1.  “Identify a time when you let go of a resistant position or attitude, and once you did, the inspiration for a solution came through. That inspiration was always there, waiting within you for its opportunity. If we open ourselves and listen we will feel that inspiration.”

2.  “Identify and write about a few areas in your life that you would like to feel more inspired about. It could be work, a relationship, or your finances . . . write freely and be specific. Now write down the self-limiting beliefs you are holding that might be blocking this inspiration from coming in.”

3.  “Remember a time when you were deeply inspired. It could have been a recent book you read, or a drawing class you took. Take some time to write in detail what that feeling of inspiration was like for you. Was it expansive? Joyful? Exhilarating?”

4.  “Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.”
