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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 14

2014年08月26日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション



第14日目 情熱とともに生きる






Day 14 -Living With Passion

“You can only feel creative when there is joy. When there is a sense of passion.” — Andreas Moritz

“Passion is the powerful, focused force of happiness directed to a specific interest in life. Passion is a tremendous asset in expanding our happiness, because it draws our happiness out.

When we think of passion, we usually think about what we are passionate about – opera, chocolate desserts, skiing, or even salsa dancing. Today we will explore passion at a deeper level as we connect to what really matters, the source of passion within us. If we can access that infinite source of passion and joy inside, then we can live passion in all areas of our life.

At its source, passion is not associated with any particular object, it is rather a deep feeling of exaltation or even spiritual ecstasy. It is the happiness of life exulting in its own existence. Today we will tap into that blissful core of existence and let our passion flow from that place.”

Today’s Centering Thought

“My happiness energizes and inspires me”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Rabhasa Hum – I am pure delight” (Deepak pronounces  Rahb-Hasa Hum)



“Here we are, already at the end of two illuminating weeks together, My Friends!  It means so much to Deepak and to me to be traveling deeper on this path of happiness, expanding ourselves with all of you.  Today, we raise our happiness to a whole new height.  Welcome to Day 14, Living with Passion.  I can’t say enough about passion.  How do you know when you’re in the true flow of it?  You just lose yourself and find a powerful, instinctive inner energy.  It means you are fully in alignment with your most extraordinary, highest self.  Whatever you’re doing, you’re immersed in the flow.  You are manifesting the magnificence of your very being and all is sublime.  That, My Friends, is happiness in its most exalted state and it’s yours simply by being who you are.  That is the promise of the divine within you.  Take a moment, take a breath.  We’re going there.  Deepak is guiding us to a truly profound space of Living with Passion.”



“I’m sure you’ve felt a surge of enthusiasm that keeps you feeling alive and energized.  This is your passion and what matters isn’t the person or thing that excites your passion but the inner renewal that a lasting passion brings year after year.  Spiritual passion goes even deeper and brings up vitality from an eternal wellspring.  You and I wouldn’t be here appreciating the wisdom of the world’s greatest sages, saints and seers if spiritual passion hadn’t persisted through all the catastrophes of history.

What makes spiritual passion unique is the wisdom comes packaged with the enthusiasm of the passion we are used to. Passion of any kind opens the flow of life that we can’t help but enjoy.  Spiritual passion turns enjoyment into exultation. You feel uplifted by your soul.  I believe there is a hierarchy of needs each person was born to fulfill.  After the need for security and safety, the need for love and appreciation, even the higher needs of creativity and finding your purpose, there is a need that modern society isn’t organized to fulfill, the need for higher reality where you find inspiration that flows from your own being.

Spiritual passion fulfills this need and therefore leads to a sublime feeling of happiness.  Being natural, the need for higher reality isn’t exotic or strange.  What seems miraculous to you, a newborn baby, an inspired poem, great music, the words of profound scriptures, whatever fills you with a sense of wonder and awe is your window into spiritual passion.  You lift the veil of appearance and sense the light that shines through the illusion of the physical world.

In today’s meditation, we’ll focus on how to bring in more of this passion for Living in the light, whose source is your own Being.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought.  My happiness energizes and inspires me.  My happiness energizes and inspires me. 

Now, let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.  Begin to be aware of your breath and just breathe slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Gently introduce the mantra, Rabhasa Hum.  This mantra develops a passionate enthusiasm for life and learning.  Repeat it silently to yourself, Rabhasa Hum.  Rabhasa Hum.  Rabhasa Hum.  With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Rabhasa Hum.  Rabhasa Hum.  Rabhasa Hum.  Continue with your meditation.  Rabhasa Hum.  Rabhasa Hum.  Rabhasa Hum.  Just mentally.  Rabhasa Hum. Rabhasa Hum.  Rabhasa Hum. 

Release the mantra.  Continue to sit restfully inhaling and exhaling slowly.  When you feel ready, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought, My happiness energizes and inspires me.  My happiness energizes and inspires me.  My happiness energizes and inspires me.



Journal Questions:

1.  “What are your passions in life? List five areas, and describe what quality of energy and joy that passion brings out in you.”

2.  “Think of an important area of your life that lacks passion. How can you channel the passion within you into that area to enliven and invigorate it?”

3.  “Have you ever had a passionate experience that transcended the activity you were involved in? Athletes and artists sometimes call this being in the zone. Time is slowed down, and every action feels perfect, beautiful and complete. It’s as if you have been transported to a sacred time and space even though you are fully engaged in the world. Describe your experience of being in the zone.”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”
