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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 11

2014年08月23日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション







食べない人たち (「不食」が人を健康にする)
秋山 佳胤,森 美智代,山田 鷹夫





第11日目 優しさを生きる

「言葉による優しさは信頼を生み、思いによる優しさは奥深さを生み、与えることによる優しさは愛を生む」 老子 



Day 11 – Living Kindness

 “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.”
― Lao Tzu

 “Kindness is the gracious gesture of a loving heart. Genuine kindness can’t be faked or forced. It must come straight from one’s center of being. It is the soul’s recognition that another person deserves the same love you give yourself. Kindness bridges our isolated individuality and shows us we are connected at our core. This is how our happiness expands beyond our ego boundaries and transforms our sense of self.

Meditation today will enliven our core of love and encourage its movement out into our lives as kindness and joy. Every loving gesture is an expansion of our happiness.”

Today’s Centering Thought

“Kindness expresses the gentleness of the soul.”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Om Mitraya – I am kind and friendly to all” (Deepak pronounces Om Mit – try-yah)


“Today, as we welcome you to Day 11, Living Kindness, I want to share a wonderful thought from my beloved teacher and Queen Mother, the late Dr. Maya Angelou.   You’ve heard this quote so many times you can finish the sentence but you haven’t heard the beginning of the thought which resonates even more profoundly, Dr. Angelou said, ‘I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.  When you learn, teach. When you get, give.’  Giving liberates the soul.  I know that.  I feel that.  I live that.  From the smallest random act of kindness to the biggest giveaways on television, everything is better when you share.  Think of a moment when you gave someone the perfect gift, or said something that was comforting, or you just showed up in a way that really made a difference.  I believe that moment created as much joy for you as it did the other person – maybe even more.  That’s because when you reach out in kindness you put into motion an energy that expand exponentially, the generous energy of love, connection and joy and that absolutely comes back, always.  It is a spiritual law.   So let’s listen as Deepak expands on the spirit of living in kindness and then we’ll meditate together.”


“It’s inspiring to meet gentle people who open their hearts with generosity.  There is a lovely phrase for the quality they emanate – courtesy of the heart.  In our hearts where love traditionally sits, the flow of loving kindness comes naturally. We experience it with our children when they are very young and with the person we fall deeply in love with.  But love has no physical location.  When you feel loving, you are expressing an aspect of universal consciousness.  Ever since I first read it, I’ve carried with me a quotation from the great Bengali poet, Rabindranath Tagore, ‘Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment, it is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation’.  Tagore is echoing the world’s wisdom traditions, giving us a new perspective, not just on love but on every universal quality of consciousness.

We’ve all heard phrases like ‘I try to be kind’, or ‘I don’t want to be unkind’ which make it seem like kindness is like a dish listed on our emotional menu – we can choose it or not.  This seems to fit reality where all of us certainly choose who deserves our love, sympathy or kindness.  In the process of choosing A, you automatically reject B.  That’s the setup in the state of duality.  Either/or choices present themselves every day.  When we live in duality, however, we unwittingly accept separation at the same time.  Whatever you reject becomes separate from you, whether it’s a person, a situation, a race, an idea or a feeling.  At bottom, the state of separation comes down to one thing, being disconnected from your true self.

At the level of your true self, love is a steady state.  This doesn’t mean that you’re demonstrative and affectionate every moment of the day.  Love is more like breathing, totally a part of you, even when you don’t pay attention to it.  Love is at the root of happiness and also kindness.  An act of kindness is the natural extension of who you really are.  It also indicates that you are allowing your awareness to expand, setting aside the egos fears and boundaries that a separated self is forced to live inside.

The noted psychotherapist, Nathaniel Branden, has written, there is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely that one will be to treat others with respect, kindness and generosity.

In general, we can’t help but regard and treat others the way we regard and treat ourselves.  This is true in duality and in wholeness.  In duality, you regard yourself as isolated, alone, vulnerable, open to danger and insecure.  All your energy is spent protecting the fenced-in territory of ‘I’, ‘Me’, and ‘Mine’.  In wholeness, however, the territory expands.  You can say, ‘the world is my family’ which allows for the flow of loving kindness.  In time you say, ‘I am the universe’ and then love is boundless.  The greatest love you can express is just ‘being’ which radiates love in every situation.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought, Kindness expresses the gentleness of the soul.  Kindness expresses the gentleness of the soul. 

Let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Begin aware of your breath and just breathe slowly and deeply.  With each breath allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  

Now gently introduce the mantra, Om Mitraya.  This mantra evokes feelings of kindness and friendliness.  Repeat it silently to yourself.  Om Mitraya.  Om Mitraya.  Om Mitraya.  With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Om Mitraya.  Om Mitraya.  Om Mitraya.  Continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.  Om Mitraya.  Om Mitraya.  Om Mitraya.  Just mentally.  Om Mitraya.  Om Mitraya.  Om Mitraya.  Release the mantra.  Continue sitting restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly.  When you feel ready, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought, Kindness expresses the gentleness of the soul. Kindness expresses the gentleness of the soul. 


Journal Questions:

1.  “Identify and write your plan for a kind act you can do for yourself today. Maybe it’s getting a foot massage, or buying yourself a bouquet of flowers. Whatever it is, make sure you offer it to yourself consciously, and with a full heart.”

2.  “Consider, and write a plan to share an act of kindness today with someone you love. Personalize it so they know you thought about it. It doesn’t have to be a gift, it can be a thoughtful comment or gesture.”

3.  “Write down how you can share an act of kindness with a complete stranger today. You can let the opportunity present itself spontaneously as you wait in line at the café or while driving to work. Again, it doesn’t need to be a grand gesture, an understanding smile or letting someone into your lane are all easy acts of kindness. The important part is being alert to that opportunity to show kindness.”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”
