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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 15

2014年08月27日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション





Don Henley - The Boys of Summer

Don Henley - The Boys of Summer

Nobody on the road
Nobody on the beach
I feel it in the air
The summer's out of reach
Empty lake, empty streets
The sun goes down alone
I'm drivin' by your house
Though I know you're not at home

But I can see you-
Your brown skin shinin' in the sun
You got your hair combed back and your sunglasses on, baby
And I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

I never will forget those nights
I wonder if it was a dream
Remember how you made me crazy?
Remember how I made you scream
Now I don't understand what happened to our love
But babe, when I get you back
I'm gonna show you what I'm made of

I can see you-
Your brown skin shinin' in the sun
I see you walkin' real slow and you're smilin' at everyone

I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

Out on the road today, I saw a BLACK FLAG sticker on a Cadillac
A little voice Inside my head said, "Don't look back. You can never look back."
I thought I knew what love was
What did I know?
Those days are gone forever
I should just let them go but-

I can see you-
Your brown skin shinin' in the sun
You got that top pulled down and that radio on, baby
And I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

I can see you-
Your brown skin shinin' in the sun
You got that hair slicked back and those Wayfarers on, baby
I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone





15日目 至福の光を放射する





Day 15 – Radiating Bliss

“. . . let joy be unconfined . . .” ― George Gordon Byron

“Welcome to our third week in meditation together! In our remaining days, we will begin to radiate our inner happiness out to the world just as a fragrant rose or lilac bush shares its floral scent freely and effortlessly . . . or in the way an illuminated bulb radiates its light in all directions. In these first two weeks, our inner bliss has become awakened and self-luminous, and now we are ready to spread our light.

Today’s meditation is about letting this happiness radiate – letting our joy shine everywhere. It doesn’t take effort or analysis or strategy. Simply be who you are from your core self, and everything gets taken care of automatically. A flower doesn’t try to be beautiful and fragrant, it simply is what it is, and the rest follows in its natural course.”

Today’s Centering Thought

“My happiness shines everywhere”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Ravaye Hum – I am the light of radiance” (Deepak pronounces – Rahva-yay Hum)


“Welcome to week 3 and the culmination of our journey together as we continue to expand our happiness.  It’s Day 15 and we want to radiate bliss.  Doesn’t that sound so good – radiating bliss?  It’s a big promise but I think we’re ready for it.  Over the last two weeks we’ve connected to our true nature, tapping into our natural joy, practiced living and being in the state of happiness that permeates all areas of our lives.  Now this week, we want to share the essence of happiness – our brilliant light within.  What happens when we radiate it – when we turn that inner joy into outer energy?    We become a natural force of good, of inspiration, of transformation.  It’s the ripple effect – the very best of you brings out the very best in others.  Happiness is irresistible and when you give it, it grows.  It elevates, it expands.  That’s the miracle of being connected to yourself and everything around you.  Today, Deepak is going to give us an exciting guide to radiating bliss. So, put that smile on your face.  Now put it inside and let’s begin…”


“When you start to meditate it’s natural to want your good experiences to affect others.  The question arises, ‘will my family and friends see how I’ve changed’?  Will they appreciate my path and gain some benefit from it themselves?  These are beautiful expectations but they’re often disappointing.  When you’ve changed inside, the people around you who have not changed are much less likely to notice the new you and to benefit from it.

This week, we’re going to avoid all that frustration.  If you passively expect others to notice your new level of happiness and appreciate it, they’re not likely to.  The secret is to radiate happiness in a way that cannot be missed.  Other people will still have to play their part.  They must be willing and open to accept change.  Your part is to give them a reason to.

What does it mean to radiate happiness?  Some of the steps are simple and practical.  We can break them down into “do’s” and “don’ts”.  The do’s – express your appreciation of others instead of keeping it to yourself.  Put out the positive in a given situation and in the person you’re talking to.  Be open to the other person’s truth, accepting their viewpoint with real interest.  Wear a smile and share your laughter.  Contribute to the joy of another.  What these points have in common is that you’re turning a state of inner happiness into outer activity.  Your expanded awareness keeps the door open.  Some intriguing psychological studies have validated that positive behavior in one person spreads virally to the people around them.  In time, once your actions prompt people to see you differently, the ones closest to you will see deeper and realize that your Being is radiating a new kind of lightness and vibrancy.

Now, the “don’ts”…. “Don’t” make other people feel wrong.  As your self-judgment decreases, so should your treatment of others.  “Don’t” draw attention to how much you’ve changed – this only arouses distrust.  “Don’t” point out how unhappy another person is even though you’ll become sensitive to this.  Remember that everyone is doing the best they can from their own level of awareness.

With these simple guidelines in mind, today’s meditation is dedicated to smoothing the transition from inner happiness to the kind of happiness that benefits your surroundings and eventually the whole world.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought,
My happiness shines everywhere.  My happiness shines everywhere.  

Now let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.  Begin to be aware of your breath and just breathe, slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Gently introduce the mantra, Ravaye Hum.  This mantra supports the full expression of inner bliss.  Repeat it silently to yourself, Ravaye Hum.  Ravaye Hum.  Ravaye Hum.  Ravaye Hum.  With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Ravaye Hum.  Ravaye Hum.  Ravaye Hum.  Continue with your meditation.  Ravaye Hum.  Ravaye Hum.  Ravaye Hum.  Just mentally.  Ravaye Hum.  Ravaye Hum.  Ravaye Hum.  Release the mantra.  Continue to sit restfully inhaling and exhaling slowly.  When you feel ready, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought,
My happiness shines everywhere.  My happiness shines everywhere.  My happiness shines everywhere.  


Journal Questions:

1.  “Where does your bliss flow in your life? How does happiness move through you to others? Is it through family relationships? Your career? Your artistic talents? List the ways you radiate bliss.”

2.  “What are three ways you can more fully connect to the source of bliss within you? They can be simple lifestyle points like: getting more sleep each night, exercising first thing in the morning, or reminding yourself that your best effort is good enough.”

3.  “What three things can you do to facilitate your happiness shining forth freely? Consider what self-limiting beliefs or judgments you might still be holding. Are you ready to let them go?”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”
