

#382 Battle Maps of the Civil War

2008年01月14日 | 歴史
私は文庫本で児島襄著の「日露戦争」(全8寒)「日中戦争」(全5巻)「満州帝国」(全3巻)「朝鮮戦争」(全3巻)伊藤正徳著の「帝国陸軍の最後」(全5巻)をおりあるたびに繰り返し読んでいるのであるが、この Battle Maps of the Civil Warの編者は次のように述べて、戦史には写真や詳細な地図が必要であることを力説しているのである。

I am told that there are people who do not care for
maps," Robert Louis Stevenson once remarked, "and I
fmd it hard to believe." The great Scottish literary figure
referred not to the maps necessary for an understanding
of military affairs but, rather, to those required for the
quotidian transactions of human existence. Any serious
reader of military history will instantly recognize and
redouble Stevenson's astonishment that anyone could
be indifferent to maps. Even so, major accumulations of
Civil War tactical maps are remarkably scarce. Good
books about the war contain good and plentiful maps on
their speciflc subjects; bad books contain few or none.
This book is about maps and is full of maps and related
illustrations covering the entire war . . . .
Maps are a simple necessity for any study of the Clvil
War. This book combining maps with revealing aerial
photographs, and impressively offset by Troiani art
will be a useful companion for anyone reading of the war.
Robert K. Krick


画像;「Battle Maps of the Civil War」Smithmark Publishers Inc 刊より 



