Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 6 Part I: T(I)NC @ Roseland Ballroom 10/20/05

2005-10-29 07:22:05 | Live Gig
第六段:The Bravery + The (International) Noise Conspiracy ライブ@ローズランド舞踏場

New York based modern new wave band The Bravery invites special guest The (International) Noise Conspiracy from Sweden. Wow. Shit, I can't believe they actually brought T(I)NC here. I think I was more delighted to see T(I)NC's name on the online gig information than when I first found out that The Bravery were playing. Sweet. In fact in response to this joyous coincidence I will mock the frontman of T(I)NC by ending my sentences with his distinctive shouts, DAYEEEAAH!!!!

最近リバイバル気味なニューウェーブ系バンドThe Braveryのショー。ファーストアルバムそれなりによかったので行くことに。そしてスペシャルゲストとしてなんとT(I)NCがっっ!!!ありえないよこの運のよさ。もうどっちかっていうとT(I)NC目当てみたいなもん。

Roseland ballroom, DAYYEEEAH!!!
Btw, the submissive "PIP" at the side stands for "People In Planes", another opening act band.

表。ちなみに隅においやられて小さく書いてある「PIP」はもう一つの前座バンドPeople In Planesの略。

Shout after first song: "Lets get this fuckin party started!! Are we gonna get this party started or what? I can see it in your eyes" - He definitely meant the Communist Party.

Hyperactive is the only way to describe their stage performance. Frontman kept on swinging his mic around (like that yoyo trick, around the world was it?), throwing it 5 meters high every minute, jumping on top of every speaker there is, collapsing on top of the mic stand, just fuckin crazy.

「イカレたパーティを始めようぜ!」 - CDまんまのノリに吹いたw 

You gotta listen to the dude preach:

"We are the commy rock band from Sweden. Sometimes when you're a commy rock band you get on stage and you say shit that not everybody wants to hear right? You know, not everybody thinks that George Bush is a bad president, most people do think he's a bad president, but not everybody. Not everybody thinks that the war in Iraq was a bad idea. Most people think it was a bad idea. Its one of those things we'll get on stage and talk about these things and sometimes people get offended and they get pissed off, but if you get pissed off coming to see a punk band play, you might as well go see Simpleplan play or something like that. We are a commy rock band, and we're gonna fuckin CAUSE TROUBLE!"

They got the stars. The red ones. Inequality is not tolerated.

Reaction of dude standing behind me after George Bush mentioned: "Just play fuckin music!" - He'll be off to the Simpleplan concert later.



うわっw さすが自称「革命」バンド、言うことが違う。共産主義万歳。しかしもうホント真っ赤っ赤。考えたらステージのライトも全部赤だし。


"We're gonna play you a revolutionary rock song!"

This guy just has so many juicy lines to offer. He's dropping the bomb every minute. I swear I can compile it all into a book.

"Swedish people, sometimes, we tend to be cowards, when something goes wrong, we clench our fists inside our pockets and say it could be worse. I would want a world where your health, your education, getting old, will not be a matter of how much money you have. The modern economic system chooses profit over people, profit over people every fuckin day, here's a song that'll try to change that"




Their latest album, "Armed Love" has been out in other countries since last year but it just came out here in the U.S. this month. This tour definitely was a promotion for that album in the U.S. and therefore, inevitably, the setlist was dominated by the new album songs. I didnt really like their new album when I heard it a year ago especially because their previous materials were really good compared to it. But they actually sound pretty good when performed live.

一応このライブは新譜"Armed Love"プロモーションツアーの一環ってことになってるけどそれはこのアルバムが北米で今月リリースされたばかりだからで、実はアメリカ以外の国では一年前から店に並んでたと。まあリリースされた時は日本で入手するのにちょっと苦労したけど。でもこのアルバムの曲は正直いまいち。その前のアルバムがかなりよかったから比べるとどうしても見劣りがち。セットリストはほぼこの「新譜」からの曲だったけど、ライブで聴くと意外にいい。これも共産主義ハイテンションパフォーマンスのなせる業だろうか。

Man in audience: "Boooooooo!!"

Frontman: "Your band is great, I know, your band is awesome, that's why you're up here."

F: "I'm gonna tell you a short story. I grew up in the 80s, I was a teenager in the 80s. It's hard to believe but it's true. And uh,"

M: "Boooooooooo!!"

F: "Hey man, I think your band is awesome, that's why you're up here on stage. YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING! I GOT THE MICROPHONE, I RULE!! I GOT THE MICROPHONE!! HEY!!"

F: "Anyways I grew up in the 80s and music to me was a big deal. It was a matter of class, where you came from. And if you were a teenager in the 80s, and you were a working class kid, you listened to heavy metal music like Iron Maden, Ozzy and Judas Priest and stuff like that. All the upper class kids, all the elitist snobs, they listened to Duran Duran and Depeche Mode. And its true! its true! For me, everyday was about class struggle! You have to choose which side you're on!! Hey!!! Woooooh!!!! THIS SONG IS CALLED CAPITALISM STOLE MY VIRGINITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Its so classic you can make a parody out of it:

"Anyways I grew up in the 80s and recess time snacks to me was a big deal. It was a matter of class, where you came from. And if you were a teenager in the 80s, and you were a working class kid, you brought weird ass snacks to school like Beef Jerky and Slim Jims and stuff like that. All the upper class kids, all the elitist snobs, they brought Oreos and Fruit Rollups. And its true! its true! For me, everyday was about class struggle! You have to choose which side you're on!! Hey!!! Woooooh!!!! THIS SONG IS CALLED MACHOISM STOLE MY FRUIT ROLLUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


「信じられないかもしれないけど俺は80年代の頃ティーネージャーだった。俺にとって音楽は階級の違いを意味していた。労働階級の子供はIron madenやOzzyだとかJudas Priest みたいなヘビメタ聞いてて、エリート意識まるだしエセ音楽通の上流階級ガキどもはDuran DuranやDepeche Modeなんか聞いてた。本当だ!本当なんだって!俺にとって毎日は階級競争だった!!どっち側に付くか決めなきゃならないんだ!!!この曲の名は「資本主義が俺の処女を奪った」だっ!!!」



After the last song they all stood with their fists up while the speakers blasted Power To The People. They all took their Rebel poses for a while with the rebel theme song playing in the background until they left one by one and the song faded away.

最終曲を演奏し終えた後バンドメンバー全員が片手を掲げて"Power To The People" をバックにしばらく反抗的ポーズを維持しながらつっ立ってた。

01 - Black Mask
02 - Smash It Up
03 - Like a Landslide
04 - Let's Make History
05 - A Small Demand
06 - A Body Treatise
07 - Capitalism Stole My Virginity
08 - Armed Love
09 - The Way I Feel About You

Gig 6 Part II: The Bravery @ Roseland Ballroom

2005-10-29 07:16:35 | Live Gig

The Bravery. They took a while to setup all the huge lights on stage, but it was worth the wait.

そして本日の目玉The Braveryの登場だー。ステージ上の巨大ライト共を設置するのに随分時間かけて、観客のイライラもピークに…って時に登場。

"At this point, we've pretty much been all around the world" - They made a stop at Japan and did an interview on a local music magazine.

「この時点で俺たちはほぼ全世界を回ってきた」 - 日本にも寄っていき、音楽関係の雑誌にインタビューが掲載されてた。しかしあのリーゼントヘアーで東京を歩き回ってたと思うと…… 
( ',_ゝ`)プッ

When they started playing "unconditional", the sound engineer fucked up and for an instant the volume went up to an ear-piercing level, making then entire audience flinch, after which the volume suddenly dropped to almost nothing for the next minute or so. Some people actually thought they went half deaf because they couldn't hear the band play as loud as it was before.

"unconditional"演奏中にサウンドエンジニアが間違えたのかなんかしらんけどいきなりボリュームが上がって危うく鼓膜が破れそうになったw 観客も全員「うわっ」って仰け反ってその後いきなりボリュームを小さく絞るもんだからみんな「アレ?聞こえない?まさか耳がイカレたのか?」みたいなリアクションを。しかし本当に凄いのはボリュームが大きくなっても小さくなって野次を飛ばす観客が出ても全く意に介さず演奏し続けるバンド。最後まで演奏しきってなに事もなかったかのように次へ。

"There's no scarier place to play than New York where all your friends and families, children and relatives are. One person that didn't show up tonight, is ???(couldn't catch what he was saying. prob ex-girlfriend), who I wrote this next song about. She just called me last week. She's like "Yo whats up?". I didnt call her back. Anyways she got a song on it, this is called Tyrant"


"All right, New York you get the crazy, half-written, untested, crazy new shit"

"All right, New York City, this is a song about you, about living in this place"



Band: "This is a song about getting what you want and then realizing you don't know what the fuck you want."

Dude behind me: "That's sooooo trueee"

He probably says that every time he cracks open a Chinese fortune cookie and reads his fortune.

Btw, just a note on the audience: totally sucked ASS. Worst crowd ever. The place was filled with a bunch of fuckin dickheads. I don't know if its the band that atrracted them or just bad luck, but the bad vibe was there for sure.

One of the worst was this fight between two groups. There's this loud white dude with his bitches surrounding him and right in front are these two Asian couples. One of the Asian dude was being really protective about his petit girlfriend and he complains to the white guy not to bother them by being pushy. The dude replies, "I think you're being a little too sensitive here". 10 minutes later, you get those two crazy ass mofo groups throwing beer at each other, spitting all over each other and shit.




Blinding light


Everyone likes "An Honest Mistake"

01 - Swollen Summer
02 - No Brakes
03 - Out of Line
04 - Give In
05 - Public Service Announcement
06 - Tyrant
07 - An Honest Mistake
08 - Rites of Spring
09 - Angelina (New Song 新曲)
10 - The Ring Song
11 - Unconditional
12 - Oh Grave (?) (New Song 新曲)
13 - Fearless
14 - Parentage (?) (New Song 新曲)

Gig 5:Franz Ferdinand@MadisonSquareGarden 10/18/05

2005-10-22 05:58:50 | Live Gig
第五弾:Franz Ferdinand ライブ @ マディソンスクェアガーデン

Hope-laden "lads" of future brit-poprock came to perform at the infamous MSG. It was part of their tour for their greatly anticipated second album that was just released a few weeks before. I'm not a big fan of these guys but I heard their live performances were amazing, so I decided to experience that disco-inferno gig that makes them so special.

つい最近リリースされた新譜のツアーでNYにやって来たブリットポップロックの将来を担うバンド、Franz Ferdinand。とくに好きなバンドという訳でもないけどライブが好評っぽいから行ってみることに。

For some reason they chose Neutral Milk Hotel's "The Fool" for their entrance music which is sort of odd...I suppose they're avid fans of the crazy singer-songwriter...either that or the sound engineer was screwing around with the sound system.

何故か入場テーマがNeutral Milk Hotelの"The Fool"。もうすでに狂気の臭いが…それにしてもファンなのか?意外なようなそうでないような。

Take Me Out rocked the house as expected. I mean its being used for so many commercials here, you even get people coming to live concerts only knowing that one song. Danceable tunes that everyone knows are great though. The entire theatre became a dance hall. Kinda surprised that stuff like Jacqueline and Matinee can also become dance tunes in a live situation.

やっぱりTake Me Outでいっきにテンションマックス。瞬時にライブ会場がダンスホールに。多分この曲しか知らない人もたくさんいたかと。CMでよく使われてる曲だし。どちらにしてもこういう音楽はお祭り気分で楽しめるのがいい。Jacqueline や Matineeなんかも観客からいいレスポンスが。

During the live two crazy-ass mofos joined the drummer and you suddenly have three guys bashing intensely at the same drumset. Totally dynamite.


Disco-fun for everyone.

01 - Jacqueline
02 - Come on Home
03 - Do You Want To
04 - Auf Asche
05 - What You Meant
06 - The Dark of the Matinee
07 - I'm Your Villain
08 - Michael
09 - Walk Away
10 - Take Me Out
11 - The Fallen
12 - You're The Reason I'm Leaving
13 - 40 ft.
14 - Darts of Pleasure
15 - This Boy
16 - Evil and a Heathen
17 - Outsiders
18 - This Fire

物騒タイムズ  Barry: "Woooh, this place is dangerous"

2005-10-09 11:19:37 | Disk Review / Others

Lobster Studio - In Session

スタジオロブスター セッション中


Went to see Thumbsucker.

As Tim Delaughter of Polyphonic Spree said, it was pretty good. It featured music from both the Sprees and Elliot Smith.

In the movie, main character Justin applies to NYU and is eventually admitted. Cheering amongst the audience when NYU popped up. Seems like we weren't the only NYU students there. It'd be really cool if there really was a Justin and he was my roommate or something.

Keanu Reeves acts out a psychiatrist in Justin's hometown. He was the main joke factor of the movie though. Everyone laughed their asses off whenever he came out on screen. And he's just being serious...while at the same time looking as if he's constantly stoned.

Important theme in movie: MFC = Mother Fucking Cocksucker

The Polyphonic Spreeのティムが薦めてたThumbsuckerを観に行った。スプリーとElliot Smithの音楽が使われていてなかなかいい映画だった。


Got off at Union Square to get to the theatre. Whole ring of police cars surrounding the entire square and numerous TV crew vans. Apparently there had been some sort of bomb threat. Union Square's like where I get off every other day of the week to get to one of my classes. That ain't funny. The subway was shut down for a while.

映画館に行くのにいつも通学に使う地下鉄ルートを使って行ったらどうも外が騒がしい。どうやらユニオンスクェア駅に爆弾を仕掛けるというテロリストからの犯行予告があったらしい。おいおい、ユニオンスクェアって一日おきに必ず降りる駅じゃねーかよw シャレんなんねー


Btw, one of my Freshman homies had his wallet and cell phone mugged on campus. Yeah, some shady looking bozo stuck a gun to his forehead while two others took all his belongings. But he had $1 cash and his credit cards were maxed out. Good thing they didnt check the contents of the wallet.


Finally we are provided with Broken Social Scene's new album. This self-titled record in my opinion, does not exactly live up to the legendary "You Forgot it in People" album, but is nonetheless a precious compilation of beautiful melodies. There is a lot of layering going on in these tracks. It sort of lost the Raw Power its predecessor had. I was hoping they would try something entirely new, come up with a radically new approach, especially when the Limited Edition features a bonus disc full of tunes that sound pretty much like their old stuff.

ようやくBroken Social Sceneの新譜が発売。多くの人がこれを待ち望んでいた。でも個人的にはやっぱ「You Forgot it in Peole」を超えられないと思う。今回のセルフタイトルアルバムに収録されている曲群は前作より更に多重録音されてるっぽくていまいち前作のようなパワーを感じない。限定版には似たような音ばかりが収録されているボーナスディスクも入ってるんだしどうせなら全く新しい、いままでとは全然違う感じの曲を録って欲しかった。 

I've been digging up some random records and among them, Jaga Jazzist's "A Living Room Hush", and "What We Must" stood out. I've never explored this section of instrumental music before so it sounded new and I like it.

ジャガ。Jaga Jazzist のアルバム二枚:"A Living Room Hush" & "What We Must"。いい。この系統はあまり聞いてなかったからなんか新鮮。

JJ consists of many artists, and one of them, Lars Horntveth, does some solo work. Pooka is one of those solo albums. Although at times it sounds over-dramatic and narly, as a whole the album is great.

Pooka: Jaga Jazzistメンバーの一人、Lars Horntvethのソロアルバム。映画サントラみたいにチープな盛り上げ方する曲もあるけど、総合的には当たりのアルバム。ちなみにこれに収録されているTicsって曲はフジテレビ深夜番組「ニューデザインパラダイス」に使われていたのをなんとなく覚えている。



2005-10-05 05:13:48 | Live Gig


Cant be bothered to write up a description so I'll just copy and paste the official site blurb:

"Oasis, The Killers, Beck and the Pixies are among the acts lined up to inaugurate “ACROSS THE NARROWS PRESENTED BY PLAYSTATION,” the two-day, four-show modern rock event set for Saturday, October 1 and Sunday, October 2 in Staten Island and Brooklyn’s Coney Island."

Seems like they got hold of the big bands to celebrate the opening of this new event. First time for me as well, to go to a music fest, altho this one's rather minute in scale to be called a festival. Not to mention a lot of ass-wipe dickhead bands involved in this fest as well.

Sorta wanted to see Interpol and the Pixies, but decided to go see the Polyphonic Spree and Belle and Sebastian instead in order to receive an overdose of happiness.

「みんなダイスキ オアシス、ピクシーズ、べック、そしてザ・キラーズがやって来る!二つの島で二日間に渡るMASSロッキン血みどろ虐殺ワンダーランド!マイナーバンドも一杯くるよ!」



"They called Coney Island the playground of the world. There was no place like it...when I was a youngster...no place like it. Now it shrunk down to almost nothing...I feel really bad, anyways, I even got lost in Coney Island when I was really small...we used to sleep on the beach here...they dont do it anymore, you see things changed...they dont sleep anymore on the beach..."

- God Speed You Black Emperor!
"Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven!"
Disk 2, track 1

コレ見た瞬間God Speed You Black Emperor!の曲を思い出した。どっかのくたびれきったジジイが「コーニーアイランドは世界の公園だったんだ、もうなにも残っちゃいないがね」とか独り言を言ってるヤツ。確かに寂れ放題だった。っつーか電車で1時間30も掛かった…遠すぎ。

Full view of the ballpark.


They had shitty shirts but it cant be helped cause its more like a charity fund-rasing thing rather than fan merchandise. Btw, the white robe at the right is the infamous Polyphonic Spree Robe that converts the person who wears it into a pious robed follower that jumps around like a madman shouting out cries of ecstatic joy, finding fun, pleasure and happiness in every damn thing he / she encounters. Only for 20 bucks.


Frontman Tim DeLaughter expressing more energy than the entire audience combined.


They had an automatic soap bubble dispenser at the side of the stage that barfed out significant amounts of bubbles at random times during the gig. It somehow just perfectly matches with the Polyphonic Spree.


The band members became wild beasts during the last song. It was by far the most violent mass stress releival procedure I have ever witnessed. Krazy drummer threw his fuckin cymbal stand across the stage and knocked over the windchimes while Tim threw his drum sticks at the crowd. Someone must've heard him say, "yeah, u like that don't u". It takes a happy man to pull that sort of shit and get away with it.


The band played a lot of the songs from the soundtrack for Thumbsucker which they wrote songs for. Too bad they didnt play Light and Day and Two Thousand Places.

セットリストはほとんど映画Thumbsuckerのために作られた曲。結局Light and Day と Two Thousand Placesは無し。演奏してほしかった。

Belle and Sebastian. Kicked off with "Stars of Track and Field". Crowd goes wild.

スプリー演奏後ベレセバ登場。期待にこたえて一曲目は「Stars of Track and Field」

They kept on reffering to their previous band members that joined and left the band at random times during their long career.


Coincidentaly, it was the keyboardist's B-Day. During the performance they suddenly started playing the Happy Birthday song and the entire crowd sang for the keyboardist. Frontman Stewart then assured us that "after you turn 30, life just gets better and better", and Im pretty damn sure he wasnt being sarcastic.

They performed a new song scheduled to be recorded on their new album.


Meanwhile over at Staten Island, JET were totally wrecking the fest with their dirt-covered 3 minute ROCK AND ROLL songs.


Didnt stay for the entire gig, but here's BECK, reffered to as John the Baptist by Stewart of Belle and Sebastian. "We're gonna make way for John the Baptist". Cant understand why he's being so modest...


Back of the official T-shirt. Impressive list.


Gig 3: Saxon Shore @ SoundFix, Brooklyn 09/28/05

2005-10-03 16:37:12 | Live Gig
第三弾:Saxon Shore ライブ - レコード店SoundFix, ブルックリン地区

Saxon Shore is an indie postrock band that originated here in New York. I only had one of their albums, Four Months of Darkness, but was fascinated by their twinkley-twinkley, soaring guitar music, and decided to hit their new album tour.

今回はローカルバンド、Saxon Shoreの新アルバムツアーへ。この人らのアルバムは一枚しか持ってなかったけど結構気に入ってたので行ってみることに。

They had a cozy lounge equipped with a bar behind the record store where the band performed. This is the hallway that connected the store and the lounge.


Ad, ad, ad, more ad, and another a..oh, wait a minute, its the Saxon Shore new album poster with "Soundfix FREE SHOW" scrawled on it. Yeah, they dont take money off New Yorkers. Sets a good example for all local bands.


Brooklyn Pilsner Beer? Never heard of it. Had to try it. Fuckin regret it. It tasted like it leaked out of Matt Damon's ass.


っぶはうhあxww\@ クソマズwww


MVP goes to the side guitarist (presumably Oliver Chapoy) who was fuckin crazy throughout the entire gig. He was totally into the music, rockin on his Telecaster like he had a mad seizure. Awesome performance. For some reason he had a Red Sox shirt on...that could be suicidle.



After I got back from the gig I found out that all the songs they played were from the new album. Sort of wanted to hear some of their previous stuff like "amber, ember, glow", but getting to hear their new material live for the first time is pretty cool too.

Seems as if they changed their style in this album tho. Definitely jacked up the guitar sounds. Atmospheric, ambient soaring sounds and twinkle twinkles are still prominent, yet they incorporate a lot of loud, power-chord noise guitar in each song as well. I think it makes them sound more indie, in a good sense.


Bassist Will Stichter opened up a Saxon Shore goods store for those rad and ambitious fans who can't wait to lay there hands on the latest Saxon Shore shirts and badges.

I went up to him and asked for a brown shirt and a copy of the new album.
He looked totally stoned. He had this look that said, "dude, I can't believe you're actually buying this from me, thanks a fuckin pantload", but in reality he said, "yeah, I have to come up with a better system cause all these shirts are under the display"...

So I obtained the latest album, The Exquisite Death of Saxon Shore, few weeks before its actual release date.

ライブ後、ベーシストのウィル・スティックターが簡易グッズショップをオープン。ファッキンラッドな奴だ。早速Tシャツと新アルバムを購入。しかしオッサンどう見てもクスリでハイ状態。「おいおいアンタ本当に買ってくれるのかよ」みたいな顔してたけど実際は「もうちょっと整理しないとTシャツが箱から出しにくいよ、'`,、('∀`) '`,、」だって。ファッキンラッドな奴だ。

こうして新アルバム「強烈で非常に美しいSaxon Shoreの死」を発売日より数週間前にゲット。

01 - the revolution will be streaming
02 - this shameless moment
03 - isolated by the secrets of your fellow men
04 - silence lends a face to the soul
05 - marked with the knowledge
06 - a greatness at the cost of goodness
07 - the lame shall enter first


Gig2: The Velvet Teen @ Knitting Factory09/15/2005

2005-10-02 18:27:52 | Live Gig
第二弾:The Velvet Teen ライブ - クラブ「編み物工場」

Went to the VT live next day, which was part of an ongoing festival called the CMJ Music Marathon NYC 2005. They collect all these indie bands that play throughout the day at different venues across New York City. What a brilliant idea, who ever thought of this is a freakin genius.

次の日:CMJ Music Marathon NYC 2005 という連日連夜NYのそこかしこでインディーバンド達が死ぬまでジャムしまくるファッキンクレイジーなイベントにゴー。ただし目当てはThe Velvet Teenのみ。

They had cds and a record for sale. +- is a rare cd but u cud just buy the exclusive "limited" VT CD found only in Japan to listen to the tracks on that CD.

Velvet Teen CD + レコード超安売り

Flashed that bald dude at 2:00 clock. What was truely annoying was the fact that there was a need to sit through all the other bands that played before VT. The downside of a festival: having to deal with bands you're not interested in.

みんな大好きVelvet Teenのライブは他のバンドより客の入りが良いと見た。

At this show they performed a new song that will possibly appear on their new album: Tokyo-to. Yeah, I knew they were bound to make a song about Japan sooner or later. A fast tempo song with lots of electronic bleeping noises. Electric city. Awesome.

Jamming good and swell all up till this one point when an excited man with a great deal of booze in him, at the front row, sprayed guitarist/vocal Juda with some sort of unknown liquid. Juda starts to complain and soon realizes with the aid of the crowd, that it is indeed urine. After that he literally got pissed with piss all over him. "What a fuckin asshole, fuck u guy!", "what a fuckin douche bag" He insisted on chasing after the guy and beating him up badly. Saw a few ppl running over to the bar but dunno if the guy actually got his ass kicked. His effectors and other equipment shorted.



There were a few new songs that I didn't recognize, I'll prob have to wait till that spankin new album comes out.



01 - ??? (prob new song 多分新曲)
02 - ??? (prob new song 多分新曲)
03 - naked girl
04 - tokyo-to
05 - we were bound (to bend the rules)
06 - a captive audience
07 - forlorn
08 - ???

Gig 1: Sigur Ros Live @ Beacon Theatre 09/13/2005

2005-10-02 16:33:07 | Live Gig
第一弾:Sigur Ros ライブ アット・ザ・ビーコンシアター

First live concert in New York. Very smooth, no hassle, took 15 minutes to get there and another 15 to get back.


Entrance to Beacon Theatre


Inside the theatre. Got the far left hand side aisle. Acoustics not too bad.


Doing their thing. Opened the gig with first two tracks off new album. They included a number of songs from the new album. What was surprising was that the regular and temporary band members kept changing positions on stage to play different instruments.


They had this curtain pulled across the stage for the first and last song to cover up the band. It acted as a screen that simutaneously projected the shadows of the band members playing their instruments and some random modern-art-ish video. Truely kick-ass. Especially the encore song - the pop song - was simply amazing.


Mind-blowing mofos bowing to the spectators as the crowd applauded madly like they were gonna bash their hands to oblivion. I mean seriously, they had to come back out for a second bow 'cause of the persistent clapping.


Overall, it was a brilliant gig. I wud like to see them at an outdoors venue next.


01 - takk...
02 - glósóli
03 - ný batterí
04 - svefn-g-englar
05 - sæglópur
06 - sé lest
07 - njósnavélin
08 - gong
09 - andvari
10 - viðrar vel til loftárása
11 - smáskífa
12 - popplagið
13 - avalon outro