Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 34: Beirut + FF @ Bowery Ballroom 05/08/07

2008-04-19 14:58:44 | Live Gig
第三十四弾: Beirut + Final Fantasy ライブ @ Bowery Ballroom

This night's show and the one I went to see the next night were quite amazing. For this gig I went to see Beirut who is some young dude who lives in New York, making Eastern-European sounding music.

By the way, apparently for his performance the night before, the members of Arcade Fire, the National and Grizzly Bear showed up and played with them. Sufjan Stevens was also seen in the crowd. Now if you happen to know who they are, that's some incredible line-up right there. Only in New York will something like that happen.


ちなみに前日のライブではなんとArcade FireとThe NationalとGrizzly Bearのメンバーがステージに飛び入り参加したらしい。そしてSufjan Stevensが観客として来ていたと。前述のアーティスト達を全員知っているなら分かるだろうけど、とんでもなく豪華な顔合わせだ。ニューヨークならではのハプニング。

The opening act was Final Fantasy. Sounds familiar doesn't it. On a web article, it was pointed out that he "put himself at a distinct disadvantage by naming his own project Final Fantasy. Google it: dude's official website doesn't come up untill page seven, such is the interweb might of the RPG juggernaut with which he shares his name...Squaresoft has yet to send a cease-and-desist order." It was somewhat strange when the writer of the article exhibited his apparently vast knowledge of the FF game series.


His name is Owen Pallett. He plays the violin and loops it to create music. Supposedly he started playing the violin to impress the guys. His album "He Poos Clouds" won the Polaris Prize (Canadian equivalent to Mercury Music Prize). Apparently, the title is meant as a "preposterous statement of devotion, like 'you're farts don't stink'." I read that his "celebrity" status got some higher up people to help him when he was denied health insurance in Canada.


When asked about his views on the game Final Fantasy, he replied: "I like the idea of it, this big gay thing. The games are ridiculously overwrought and convoluted emotionally," which he claims he also applies to his music. One of his tracks is also titled "I'm afraid of Japan."


Beirut members showed up during FF gig to support FF, Owen Pallete showed up to during Beirut gig to support Beirut.

Final Fantasy演奏中はBeirutのメンバーが参加し、Beirut演奏中はFFのオーウェンが助けに入り、お互い協力していた。

So here's Beirut. The frontman is Zach Condon.


Condon is a regular Francophile. Beirut's second album is heavily French-oriented and there are numerous videos on the internet of Beirut performing songs live in the streets of Paris. During the gig he starts speaking in French to which an audience replies: "viva France" and of course Condon replied with an enthusiastic "VIVA FRANCE." Then he proclaims: "I don't mean to be political but...France won the World Cup." The French crowd goes wild. Imagine if he'd said that in a room full of Italian soccer fans. There would have been blood.

コンドンは極度の親仏家。というよりただのフランスミーハーだと思う。セカンドアルバムはフランスっぽさが溢れているしインターネット上では多くのパリ路上ゲリラライブ映像を見られる。ライブ中にいきなりフランス語で話し始めると客から「フランス万歳」の声が上がり、それに対して嬉しそうに「フランス万歳」と応えるコンドン。更に「政治の話をするつもりはないけど…フランスはワールドカップで優勝したんだぜ」と突然言い出す始末。歓声が沸いてたけどもしイタリアサッカーファンで埋め尽くされた部屋でそんな事言ってたらと思うと… 血を見ずに済んでよかったね、コンドン。

A lot of what Condon was saying was barely audible because his voice was muffled. Possibly drunk or high.


They sure liked the festive atmosphere. And confetti. They like confetti a lot. They had a cracker-gun that kept spewing out lots of confetti and at the end of the gig, a huge shower of confetti came pouring down from above, covering everyone in confetti.


At one point Condon lifted his trumpet and let a load of saliva ooze out of the instrument. People were disgusted.


There were rather long pauses between songs. Condon also made the crowd anxious by strumming his ukulele for about a second then stopping just to agitate the crowd. Audience "do it do it do it do it" Condon "I'm gonna do it anyways."


And the much awaited Postcards From Italy performance was rewarded with an extended ukulele solo.


At the end of the gig they brought on stage a whole bunch of trumpet players to create a huge trumpet troop and blasted the hell out of them.


-Setlist- (possibly missed some)
01 - (New Song 新曲)
02 - Brandenburg
03 - After the Curtain
04 - Carousels
05 - Le Moribond (Jacques Brel Cover)
06 - My Family's Role in the Revolution
07 - (New Song 新曲)
08 - Mount Wroclai (Idle Days)
09 - ???
10 - Elephant Gun
11 - Scenic World
12 - Postcards From Italy
13 - Gulag Orkestar
14 - Siki, Siki Baba (Kocani Orkestar Cover)
