Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 28: The Changes, +/- @Knitting Factory12/02/06

2006-12-03 15:38:57 | Live Gig
第二十八弾: The Changes + +/- ライブ @ 編み物工場

The Changes have released their first album and are touring with +/-. The Changes open for +/-. I went to see The Changes. I've heard of +/- before but I wasn't exactly sure what they sounded like.

The Changesの初アルバム発売ツアーにゴー。+/- の前座として北米をツアーしたそうで。+/-って名前は聞いたことあるけどこのライブ行くまで実際どんなバンドかは良く知らんかった。

Some critics have labeled The Changes a postrock band. But that's probably because those reviews were written when all they had released were several tracks. I don't think you can call them that anymore now that I've listened to their new album. They've become more pop-oriented.

前にThe Changesをポストロックバンドと呼ぶレビュアーをネットで見たけど、アレは多分まだ数曲しかリリースしてない時のレビューだと思う。その頃は確かに曲の構成がポストぽかったけど初アルバム聴くともっとポップ寄りな音楽に変わったのが窺える。

The two bands had totally different attitudes.

The Changes : Hi! This is going to be awesome!! Hope you like it! I knew it, it's awesome, yeah!!

+/- : Hey, whats going on with the crowd....

The Changesと+/-の性格が対照的だった。前者は「やあ!今日は素晴らしいライブになるよ!楽しんでね!!」、後者は「……よう。観客盛り上がってる?」

The Changes pretty much played all their songs from their new album. They left the best song, "Her, You and I" for the last. The frontman was like, "Don't worry, I know what to do." and played the song.

新アルバムからほぼ全曲を演奏したThe Changes。一番聴きたかった「Her You and I」を最後までとっとくもんだからてっきり演奏しないのかと心配しちまったじゃないか。そんな不安を読み取ったように「心配しないで、なにをすればいいのかはわかってる」と言い演奏。憎めないナイスガイ演出。

This was the last gig for which The Changes opened for +/-. +/- will proceed with their tour and go to Japan next.


One of the songs +/- performed from their new album, "one day you'll be there", sounded pretty good.

+/-の新アルバム収録曲「one day you'll be there」がなかなか良かった。

+/- brought "their friend" on stage who happens to be some sort of film director who is in the process of making a documentary film on "struggling bands". They had two cameras filming both the band and the audience. I'm probably in it 'cause I was up front...if I'm not editted out.


The Asian guitarist for +/- stopped playing halfway through one song, saying "the guitar's fucked up". People started booing and some drunk dude yelled out, "How'd you like that on a your camera huh?! I'll pay you to get a guitar tutor!!" The guitarist flipped the bird at him.


Bought CD for The Changes' first album. It was actually sort of a let down...but I wanted it anyways.

The Changes初アルバム購入。ちょっと期待ハズレの内容だったけどまあどちらにしても欲しかったしいいや。