Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 25: The Brother Kite @ The Cake Shop 10/07/06

2006-10-10 03:32:21 | Live Gig
第二十五弾: The Brother Kite ライブ @ The Cake Shop

Here's a shoegazer band (although they call themselves a rock band now) from Rhode Island.


This gig was part of the tour for their new album, "Waiting For The Time To Be Right". I think they didn't play any of their old songs, which was a shame.


Their self-titled album screamed shoegazer. It was as apparent a shoegazer album as MBV's "Loveless". But their new album seemed to me like a soft-rock album.


Gig 24: Massive Attack @Roseland Ballroom 10/05/06

2006-10-10 03:22:56 | Live Gig
第二十四弾: Massive Attack ライブ @ Roseland Ballroom

Massive Attack - so called "Pioneers of Trip Hop" - made an awesome performance with their hypnotizing visual display and grand-scale audio.


That picture of the metal flower is the cover art for Massive's new album, which is a collection of his previous works. The flower is made up of weapons - guns, bullets, military planes, etc.


"Massive Attack Return to NYC After 9 Years!" - Yes, I was not aware of this until after the gig, but it actually was there first gig in New York in 9 years. I was quite fortunate to be able to see them live here in New York I guess. But damn, 9 years is pretty long.


They have an astounding visual display. They set up 20 large columns each filled with tiny light bulbs at the back of the stage, and a long curved scrolling electric billboard at the front. The columns flicker forming abstract patterns, words, city skylines, flags, etc. Before the performance, they were scrolling all the countries / cities they visited for this tour. I spotted Tokyo, Japan - from their gig at Fuji Rock (or it might have been SummerSonic).

彼らのライブは音だけでなくとにかくビジュアルパフォーマンスが凄い。ステージ後方には20個の電飾柱を設置し、前方には電光掲示板っぽいのを配置。ランダムなデザインや国旗、文字・数字、ビルのアウトライン、炎なんかの絵が次々と表示されていく。演奏を始める直前、電光掲示板にツアーで廻る国の名前がスクロール表示されていて、東京 - 日本もあった。確かフジロックに行ったんだっけ。

Statistics on the Iraq war scrolled across the arc, gradually increasing its speed. The statistics consisted of information such as: number or Iraqi soldiers killed, number of American soldiers killed, the financial cost of the war, etc. They also had a few other statistics as well, like the number of American tax payers and the number of deaths in the World from starvation.

I liked how they started scrolling a whole bunch of fluorescent green Dollar $igns on all of the displays near the end of the gig . The $$$$$ signs gained speed as the song progressed.



Btw, DJ Language was DJing before Massive Attack appeared on stage. Most people seemed so anxious to see Massive Attack (they were late as well) that they were getting annoyed with DJ Language's long DJ session.

ちなみにDJ Languageが前座っぽい事してた。マッシヴがステージに出るまでの間なんとなくDJしてたけど、皆マッシヴが見たくて仕方ないみたいで(かなり遅れてたし)、早く終わらないかイライラしてた。

This was actually Grant "Daddy G" Marshall's first appearance of the tour. He was at home with his newborn son until now. I guess his absence was a let down for most people for the previous gigs. Massive's frontman Robert "3D" Del Naja said, "Hello, stranger" as Marshall appeared on stage. This was their full live band member: two drummers, Daddy G, Horace Andy, Elizabeth Fraser (the Cocteau Twins ex-vocalist) and Deborah Miller. It's probably one of their best lineups.

実はグラント"ダディーG" マーシャルのツアー初参加ライブ。子供が生まれて家にいたからいままでライブに出演できなかったそうだ。フジロックでもいなかったらしい。ステージ上に現れたマーシャルをフロントマンの3Dが「やあ、知らない人」と出迎えてた。そして結果的に最高の面子が揃った:ドラマー二人、グラント・マーシャル、ホーラス・アンディ(レゲエスター)、エリザベス・フレイザー(元Cocteau Twinsボーカル)、そしてデボラ・ミラー。

I was surprised to find that a Massive Attack concert was more hardrock than electronic bleeps. The bass guitar was probably the loudest (it shook the ground), but they had the distorted guitars amped up as well. At times it even verged into postrock/metal territory. I mean songs like Futureproof were transformed into a wall-of-sound festival.


If you haven't noticed yet, Del Naja is an outspoken critic of the war in Iraq. He mentioned about the situation in Iraq and the rest of the world. After returning for an encore performance, he said something like "there's a lot of bad news in the middle east....(and then something about) oil... " to which I heard a pathetic sounding "WAAT" from the audience. They started playin Inertia Creeps right when he finished his comment which was cool.

3Dの反戦メッセージ:イラクの現状や政治の事をボソボソと。「中東は今酷い状態だ……(聞き取れない)石油が……」 この発言に対し観客から「はぁぁ?」という声が。まあニューヨークだしね。メッセージが終わった瞬間にInertia Creepsを演奏し始めたのは格好良かった。

During the gig he asked the audience to donate money for the starving / suffering by dropping off any amount of money at the exit.


Their light display reminded me of Radiohead's stage setup from their Hail To The Thief world tour which I saw several years ago.

何年か前に見たレディオヘッドのHail To The Thiefツアーを思いださせるステージセットアップだった。ライトの柱なんか特に。

I personaly thought Angel was the best song they performed that night. It totally rocked.


Del Naja has this weird habit of shadowboxing on stage. With his navy (?) uniform, he looked really odd doing side-steps while raising his arms in a praying-mantis style fighting pose.


Massive Attack's stunning light show. Simply amazing.


I mean if they really displayed those Japanese ad signs, it'd be freakin awesome and hilarious.

実際ライブ中にいきなり 「いらっしゃいませ」 「石丸電気」 「10%サービス!」  とかデッカく流してくれたら大爆笑なんだが。

01 - False Flags
02 - Rising Son
03 - Black Melt
04 - Man Next Door
05 - Karmacoma
06 - Butterfly Caught
07 - Hymn of the Big Wheel
08 - Mezzanine
09 - Teardrop
10 - Angel
11 - Future Proof
12 - Safe From Harm
13 - Inertia Creeps
14 - Unfinished Symphony
15 - Group Four


Below are some kickass photos of Massive's live performances I found on the net.
