Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

物騒タイムズ  Barry: "Woooh, this place is dangerous"

2005-10-09 11:19:37 | Disk Review / Others

Lobster Studio - In Session

スタジオロブスター セッション中


Went to see Thumbsucker.

As Tim Delaughter of Polyphonic Spree said, it was pretty good. It featured music from both the Sprees and Elliot Smith.

In the movie, main character Justin applies to NYU and is eventually admitted. Cheering amongst the audience when NYU popped up. Seems like we weren't the only NYU students there. It'd be really cool if there really was a Justin and he was my roommate or something.

Keanu Reeves acts out a psychiatrist in Justin's hometown. He was the main joke factor of the movie though. Everyone laughed their asses off whenever he came out on screen. And he's just being serious...while at the same time looking as if he's constantly stoned.

Important theme in movie: MFC = Mother Fucking Cocksucker

The Polyphonic Spreeのティムが薦めてたThumbsuckerを観に行った。スプリーとElliot Smithの音楽が使われていてなかなかいい映画だった。


Got off at Union Square to get to the theatre. Whole ring of police cars surrounding the entire square and numerous TV crew vans. Apparently there had been some sort of bomb threat. Union Square's like where I get off every other day of the week to get to one of my classes. That ain't funny. The subway was shut down for a while.

映画館に行くのにいつも通学に使う地下鉄ルートを使って行ったらどうも外が騒がしい。どうやらユニオンスクェア駅に爆弾を仕掛けるというテロリストからの犯行予告があったらしい。おいおい、ユニオンスクェアって一日おきに必ず降りる駅じゃねーかよw シャレんなんねー


Btw, one of my Freshman homies had his wallet and cell phone mugged on campus. Yeah, some shady looking bozo stuck a gun to his forehead while two others took all his belongings. But he had $1 cash and his credit cards were maxed out. Good thing they didnt check the contents of the wallet.


Finally we are provided with Broken Social Scene's new album. This self-titled record in my opinion, does not exactly live up to the legendary "You Forgot it in People" album, but is nonetheless a precious compilation of beautiful melodies. There is a lot of layering going on in these tracks. It sort of lost the Raw Power its predecessor had. I was hoping they would try something entirely new, come up with a radically new approach, especially when the Limited Edition features a bonus disc full of tunes that sound pretty much like their old stuff.

ようやくBroken Social Sceneの新譜が発売。多くの人がこれを待ち望んでいた。でも個人的にはやっぱ「You Forgot it in Peole」を超えられないと思う。今回のセルフタイトルアルバムに収録されている曲群は前作より更に多重録音されてるっぽくていまいち前作のようなパワーを感じない。限定版には似たような音ばかりが収録されているボーナスディスクも入ってるんだしどうせなら全く新しい、いままでとは全然違う感じの曲を録って欲しかった。 

I've been digging up some random records and among them, Jaga Jazzist's "A Living Room Hush", and "What We Must" stood out. I've never explored this section of instrumental music before so it sounded new and I like it.

ジャガ。Jaga Jazzist のアルバム二枚:"A Living Room Hush" & "What We Must"。いい。この系統はあまり聞いてなかったからなんか新鮮。

JJ consists of many artists, and one of them, Lars Horntveth, does some solo work. Pooka is one of those solo albums. Although at times it sounds over-dramatic and narly, as a whole the album is great.

Pooka: Jaga Jazzistメンバーの一人、Lars Horntvethのソロアルバム。映画サントラみたいにチープな盛り上げ方する曲もあるけど、総合的には当たりのアルバム。ちなみにこれに収録されているTicsって曲はフジテレビ深夜番組「ニューデザインパラダイス」に使われていたのをなんとなく覚えている。
