Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 6 Part II: The Bravery @ Roseland Ballroom

2005-10-29 07:16:35 | Live Gig

The Bravery. They took a while to setup all the huge lights on stage, but it was worth the wait.

そして本日の目玉The Braveryの登場だー。ステージ上の巨大ライト共を設置するのに随分時間かけて、観客のイライラもピークに…って時に登場。

"At this point, we've pretty much been all around the world" - They made a stop at Japan and did an interview on a local music magazine.

「この時点で俺たちはほぼ全世界を回ってきた」 - 日本にも寄っていき、音楽関係の雑誌にインタビューが掲載されてた。しかしあのリーゼントヘアーで東京を歩き回ってたと思うと…… 
( ',_ゝ`)プッ

When they started playing "unconditional", the sound engineer fucked up and for an instant the volume went up to an ear-piercing level, making then entire audience flinch, after which the volume suddenly dropped to almost nothing for the next minute or so. Some people actually thought they went half deaf because they couldn't hear the band play as loud as it was before.

"unconditional"演奏中にサウンドエンジニアが間違えたのかなんかしらんけどいきなりボリュームが上がって危うく鼓膜が破れそうになったw 観客も全員「うわっ」って仰け反ってその後いきなりボリュームを小さく絞るもんだからみんな「アレ?聞こえない?まさか耳がイカレたのか?」みたいなリアクションを。しかし本当に凄いのはボリュームが大きくなっても小さくなって野次を飛ばす観客が出ても全く意に介さず演奏し続けるバンド。最後まで演奏しきってなに事もなかったかのように次へ。

"There's no scarier place to play than New York where all your friends and families, children and relatives are. One person that didn't show up tonight, is ???(couldn't catch what he was saying. prob ex-girlfriend), who I wrote this next song about. She just called me last week. She's like "Yo whats up?". I didnt call her back. Anyways she got a song on it, this is called Tyrant"


"All right, New York you get the crazy, half-written, untested, crazy new shit"

"All right, New York City, this is a song about you, about living in this place"



Band: "This is a song about getting what you want and then realizing you don't know what the fuck you want."

Dude behind me: "That's sooooo trueee"

He probably says that every time he cracks open a Chinese fortune cookie and reads his fortune.

Btw, just a note on the audience: totally sucked ASS. Worst crowd ever. The place was filled with a bunch of fuckin dickheads. I don't know if its the band that atrracted them or just bad luck, but the bad vibe was there for sure.

One of the worst was this fight between two groups. There's this loud white dude with his bitches surrounding him and right in front are these two Asian couples. One of the Asian dude was being really protective about his petit girlfriend and he complains to the white guy not to bother them by being pushy. The dude replies, "I think you're being a little too sensitive here". 10 minutes later, you get those two crazy ass mofo groups throwing beer at each other, spitting all over each other and shit.




Blinding light


Everyone likes "An Honest Mistake"

01 - Swollen Summer
02 - No Brakes
03 - Out of Line
04 - Give In
05 - Public Service Announcement
06 - Tyrant
07 - An Honest Mistake
08 - Rites of Spring
09 - Angelina (New Song 新曲)
10 - The Ring Song
11 - Unconditional
12 - Oh Grave (?) (New Song 新曲)
13 - Fearless
14 - Parentage (?) (New Song 新曲)
