Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 29: Busdriver+Deerhoof @ Irving Plaza 01/26/07

2007-01-30 13:54:59 | Live Gig
第二十九弾: Busdriver + Deerhoof ライブ @ Irving Plaza

Nuclear-powered insanity, Deerhoof have released their latest album and are on tour.


Busdriver バスドライバー (right 右)

Let's start with this man with an afro. He is Regan Farquhar, commonly known as "Busdriver". With his 5th solo out from Kill Rock Stars, he has been appearing as a opening act for Deerhoof, receiving mixed reactions from the mainly indie-rock crowd.


Simply put, Busdriver is a free-style-esque rapper that high-speed raps to some unconventional beats produced by some random dude at the back of the stage. His "performance" ranges from wrapping Christmas tree lights around his body amidst a disco light show to your standard audience-response type of rap.

Audience type 1 - standing still, frown on face, "what the hell is this rapper doing here"

Oh yeah, there was another opening act - Proton Proton.



そういえばもう一つ、Proton Protonっつーバンドも前座してた。

BTW he was wearing a Run DMC shirt.

ちなみに「Run DMC」シャツを着てた。

One of the main attractions of Deerhoof apart from their musicsianship is the schizophrenic madman drumming by drummer Greg Saunier and the hopping action by singer/bass-player Satomi Matsuzaki. And her existential crooning sounds so surreal especially in a live setting. I have a feeling she might actually be faking some of her heavy Japanese accent though.

曲の話は別としてライブでのこのバンドの見所はなんと言ってもドラマーGreg Saunierの超過激ドラミングとボーカル兼ベースプレーヤー、サトミ・マツザキの飛び跳ねアクション。ライブで聴くと彼女の歌声は一層シュールに聴こえる。でもあの強い日本語訛りはある程度わざとやってるように思える。

These guys actually fronted Radiohead all summer during Radiohead's new album songs tour. Listening to some of the live recordings of those shows, its obvious that Thom Yorke is really into Deerhoof. Deerhoof has actually fronted a lot of famous bands such as: Sonic Youth, Wilco, and the Flaming lips.

実は夏の間ずっとRadioheadの前座を務めてたDeerhoof。そのツアーのライブ音源とか聞いてるとトム・ヨークがかなりのDeerhoof好きなのがわかる。Radioheadの他にもSonic YouthやWilcoやFlaming Lipsなど何気に色んな大物バンドの前座をしてる。

Naturally, Deerhoof played a lot of songs from their new album that they just released. "Kidz Are So Small" was especially memorable, which goes like this:

"If I were a man and you a dog, I throw a stick for youuuuuu"

I couldn't quite hear what Satomi Matsuzaki was singing at the middle part of that song, which sounded like Japanese, so I listened to the track on the CD when I got back home. It turned out she was saying: "Potato-chip Potato-chip patatata-patata-ta". I have no idea how they come up with their lyrics.

I was glad I was able to hear "Wrong Time Capsule". That song rocks.

セットリストはやはり新アルバムからの曲が多かった。その中でも"Kidz Are So Small"が印象的だったんだけど、歌詞が「私が人であなたが犬だったら棒を投げてあげる」というモノで。その曲の中盤あたりで日本語っぽい言葉を発してたけどあまり良く聞き取れなかったので後でCD聞いて確認したら:



あと"Wrong Time Capsule"を聞けてよかった。やっぱライブでも盛り上がるね、あの曲は。

The audience was also insanely hyper-energetic. It's almost as if the entire crowd was having a mass-seizure.


This is their new album, Friend Opportunity and a free wrist-band that they were handing out at the live venue. I instantly liked the early single they released, "+81". I gave the wrist-band the next day.

これが新しいアルバムFriend Opportunityとライブで無料配布してたリストバンド。アルバムに先行して発表された"+81"なんかはかなり好き。リストバンドは次の日にあげました。

There were these weird pictures enclosed in the CD. This isn't all of it, but I just layed some of them out on my desk. I like the one where the grey dude is poking the other grey dude's eye: "ouch".




Ofcourse this was a recommended show.
