Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 11: Iron and Wine @ Webster Hall 12/04/05

2006-01-31 17:06:16 | Live Gig
第十一弾: Iron and Wine ライブ @ Webster Hall

Updating some dated material - this is from last year. The bearded man with a scarf, Sam Beam, from Florida is Iron and Wine.

去年のライブを今更ながら更新。スカーフ+ヒゲ = サム・ビーム = Iron and Wine。フロリダ産。

THIS IS THE MAN THAT RULED THE ENTIRE GIG. He is SALVADOR. With deep, rich vocals he sings in some European language, and makes clicking noises in his mouth to accompany the music. He had his own solo part in one of the songs. The crowd went wild with his narly solo. Really, the entire audience cheered.


He announced that he will "play old songs in a new way". He sort of arranged some of his songs so they sounded kraut-rock-ish. All his songs are acoustic so I guess if he changed his weapon to an electric guitar and have drums, it'd sound pretty different.



They played the song they made for the movie, "In Good Company". I saw that movie on the airplane. Coincidentally one of the main characters decide to go to NYU which upsets her father.

映画「In Good Company」(邦題知らん)用に作った曲も演奏してくれた。ちなみに劇中メインキャラクターの一人である女の子がニューヨーク大学に入学する。寮に運び込んでた荷物の量がハンパじゃなかったけど。やっぱ一年生用の寮は結構デカイんだな。

Iron and Wine's latest release is a collaborative effort with Calexico. Calexico played their own stuff first then returned on stage again during the Iron and Wine show to play most of the songs off their collaboration album.

Iron and Wineの最新アルバムはCalexicoとのコラボ作品。今ツアーではCalexicoも参加して自分らの曲を演奏した後一緒にニューアルバムの曲をほぼ全曲演奏。

01 - Hickory
02 - Cinders and Smoke
03 - Jezebel
04 - On Your Wings
05 - Faded From the Winter
06 - Southern Anthem
07 - Sodom, South Georgia
08 - The Trapeze Swinger (From "In Good Company" Soundtrack)
09 - Woman king
10 - Free Until They Cut Me Down
11 - Your Blue Eyes
12 - An Angry Blade
13 - He Lays In The Reins
14 - Red Dust
15 - ???
16 - Sixteen, Maybe Less
17 - Prison On Route 41
18 - Burn That Broken Bed
19 - ???
20 - Dead Man's Will