Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Ex-Gig 02: Hope Of The States @ Wales 11/04/04

2007-02-18 18:02:27 | Live Gig
外伝第二弾: Hope Of The States ライブ @ Bangor University, Wales

Ex-Gig 2 will be on the HOTS gig I saw in Wales. Hope Of The States was a band that produced 2 albums and then decided to quit. They probably were aspiring to become a big-name band, but never worked, which is sort of understandable. They got some attention in Japan. Their songs were politically charged in an "antique" way, giving a sort of American Civil War-era feel to them.


I was staying in England for a little while with my friend. I had gotten tickets to the HOTS gig which was in Wales, not knowing how far it was. The train that took us to Wales from London lasted for hours. All I could see outside of the train window were fields with sheeps.


And so we finally arrived. It was the middle of nowhere.




The gig was at Bangor University, which is basically a castle-looking medieval complex built atop a mountain in the middle of nowhere.


Seriously looks like a movie set for Harry Potter.


At night it looked even more ominous.


We were the only Asians around.


This is the entrance to the venue. Seemed like an University-owned club.


Carrying all the equipment and instruments into the venue.


The DJ's introduction of the band: "this next one is so active, I'm not sure if this hall is big enough to contain them".


They had an interesting intro track to their gig, which sounded good as an intro to "The Black Amnesiacs". The intro is of some American kid randomly talking about the U.S. When the kid said something about someone becoming the president of the U.S., some audience cried out with a thick accent, "of America!".

演奏を始める直前に流してたイントロが面白かった。ニュートラルなアメリカ英語で米国について語る子供、という内容。その子供のスピーチの一部に「彼は合衆国大統領になった」というのがあったんだけど、それを聞いた客の一人が強いイギリス訛りで「アメリカの!」と反応してたのがなんとなく印象に残ってる。このイントロから一曲目「The Black Amnesiacs」への流れがカッコよかった。

Them English (Welsh) crowds and bands are both really energetic. Which is awesome, but in England gigs its often to the point of being rowdy and aggressive.


A few people persistently insisted the band on playing Static In The Cities for encore. Audience: "STATIC IN THE CITIES!!!STATIC IN THE CITIES!!!STATIC IN THE CITIES!!!"

アンコール曲としてStatic In The Citiesをどうしても演奏して欲しかった人が何人かいたようで、アンコールコール中ずっと曲名叫んでた。

I actually bootlegged this gig. Back in Florence, I got hold of a Greek friend who was one of the only people left in the dorm and borrowed his recordable MD player. I was then very very very fortunate to be able to borrow a portable mic from a really nice British dude who is my friend's friend's friend, in England. Before that dude let me borrow his mic, we were looking around everywhere to see if they sold any, and found absolutely none in stores.


They performed two "new songs" - "Black Stars Red Stars" and "Bonfires". The latter one was included in their second album.


Recently I downloaded a bootleg of one of their London gigs in which they covered Mad World, to my surprise. You could actually hear the audience saying "it's that song they used for Donny Darko".

ロンドンで行われたライブのブートレグを聞いていたら、そのライブにてMad Worldをカバーしていたという面白い事実が発覚。観客が「ほら、ドニーダーコで使ってた曲」とか言ってるのが更に面白い。

I flipped my camera at the frontman and started to take a movie when his guitar suddenly messed up, and he changed it to a new one. After the song, some dude in the crowd yelled out: "give me yo guitar!!!!", to which the frontman replied: "What? Can you have my guitar? It's fucked." Yeah, if he wanted a proper working guitar he'd probably buy it at a store.


Since trains were not running by the time the show ended, we had to spend the night at Bangor. After some extensive searching in the cold, we somehow managed to find a small hotel run by probably the only Asian person in town. The Chinese man happily greeted us with a smile, and asked, "are you guys Chinese?".....No, we're both from the countries you hate. We told him where we're from and I still remember the majorly dissappointed "oh..." and the sad expression on his face.


Can't believe we went through all that just to watch a tiny-ass live gig of a mediocre (sorry) band. It was lots of fun.


Bought dis t-shirt wit da union jack n' stars n' stripes merged together. One of my friends laughed when he saw me wearing this, thinking that I was trying to say that I was the hope for the United States.


Also got hold of this limited CD thing. Lookie its got its own handwritten serial number.





Found this guitar store in Bangor town. The name Sam which I'm sure is the name of the frontman, was the point of interest.


01 - intro
02 - The Black Amnesiacs (extended vers.)
03 - George Washington
04 - Black Stars Red Stars ("new song")
05 - Black Dollar Bills
06 - Bonfires ("new song")
07 - Nehemiah
08 - The Red The White The Black The Blue
09 - Enemies/Friends
10 - Static In The Cities


2 コメント

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Unknown (のほほん)
2007-02-25 11:42:53

Unknown (mr.shit)
2007-02-26 11:58:37
Thank thee for thine comment.

フロレンスの写真も綺麗だよ、I should show them to you sometime.

