Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 27: Battles @ Webster Hall 11/18/06

2006-11-19 14:59:30 | Live Gig
第二十七弾: Battles ライブ @ Webster Hall

Alas, I got to see Battles live. I've been wanting to see their live performance for a very long time. It was a great tragedy last year when I missed their gig because I over-stayed at the Feist gig.


Big-T for TG-day. Wait a minute....that name at the bottom right after Battles is.....


……ん?看板右下の名前は…BATTLES &……

デターー、前座にあのMAN MANがまた来たよ。まさかまたこの連中に出くわすとは思わなかった。



Yes it's MAN MAN, the insane bunch. Flooding the entire venue with their hyper-energetic insanity. But crazy as they are, I must admit they really are sincere and honest. I didn't think I'll see these guys again.

I laughed and at the same time was kind of impressed when one of the dudes started hitting his throat to manually produce effect-filtered-like vocals. It was awesome.

Battles member Tyondai Braxton adjusting his gear.

The Battles are:
Guitarist/keyboard player - Ian Williams (of Don Caballero)
Drummer - John Stanier (of Helmet and Tomahawk)
Guitarist/bassist - Dave Konopka (of Lynx)
and every other instrument including electronic gadgets by "renowned avant-jazz musician" - Tyondai Braxton (worked with Prefuse 73).

The drummer is unbelievable. He easily plays complicated drum tunes with great precision and speed. I could watch that dude play drums all day and never be bored. Recently, the drummer for Bloc Party retired a show due to a collapsed lung during their tour, and it makes me wonder how Stanier never drops dead from that schizophrenic drumming.

Tyondai Braxton機器を調整中の図。


ギター・キーボード: ドン・キャバレロのIan Williams
ドラム: ヘルメットとトマホークのJohn Stanier
ギター・ベース:リンクスのDave Konopka
その他全て(電子機器含む):「名高い前衛ジャズアーティスト」Tyondai Braxton ちなみに彼はプレフューズ73ともコラボレートしている。

ドラマーがかなりの凄腕。複雑なドラムパターンを速いスピードで正確に打ち出す。しかも余裕っぽい。この人のドラミングは一日中見ていても飽きないだろう。つい最近Bloc Partyのドラマーがツアー中に肺を痛めて倒れたらしいけど、それならStanierはライブ中に死んでもおかしくないと思う。

They played about three songs that I have never heard of in any of their released material. Could they be new material? I actually found some clips on Youtube of them performing these songs live. I am damn fortunate for being able to hear their unreleased material live. They only have a handful of tracks released and they haven't come out with anything more for a long time.

I definitely loved one of these unfamiliar songs as soon as I heard it live. For some reason it reminded me of NINJAs. This Ninja-theme also featured a Chinese sounding synth at one point...

The Ninja-theme and one other unfamiliar song featured Tyondai Braxton's vocals, although they were both severely altered to the point where it just sounded like alien voices. Still, those are probably the first songs Battles have experimented with "vocals". This unfamiliar song with vocals in it sounded sort of comic which is sort of unusual for them I guess. And I swear I've heard the main keyboard melody for this song somewhere before...



この忍者のテーマともう一曲の謎曲にはTyondai Braxtonがボーカルを入れていた。とは言ってもどちらもエフェクトかけまくってるので火星人にしか聞こえなかったけど。でも一応ボーカルが入った曲はこれが初めて。それにしてもヒネクレタボーカルがいかにもバトルズらしい。ちなみにこのボーカルが入ったもう一曲はなんていうかジョークっぽい、あんまりBattlesらしくない曲だった。どちらかというとMan Man寄りの曲。ただキーボードのメロディーが聞き覚えのあるメロで絶対前に聴いたことがあると思うのが気になるんだけど…

For some reason Stanier keeps his cymbal higher than all the other parts of his drum set. That's the only raised instrument in his set so each time he crashes the cymbal, he reaches up to do it. I was told that hair metal band drummers used to unnecessarily raise their drum kits to pathetic heights for no reason. There really is no reason other than it looks interesting.

I'm not sure if it was Ian Williams, but one of the guitarists held his guitar in a very odd way. But what was truly amazing was when both he and Tyondai Braxton started playing their keyboards with one hand while tapping the exact same tune on the guitar with the other hand. They did this with astonishing speed and accuracy. The keyboard and guitar sounds perfectly synchronized.

何故かドラムセットのシンバルだけ他のパーツより高い位置に設定するStanier。最初ステージにセッティングしてる時、短くするのかと思ったらそのまま演奏開始。シンバルを叩く時だけいちいち腕を高く上げていた。昔ヘアメタルバンドとかが意味もなく無駄にドラムセットを高くセットしたって聞いたけど、それと関係があるのだろうか。見た目はオモシロいけど。あとギタリスト兼キーボーディスト(Ian Williamsかな)のギターの持ち方・弾き方がなんか妙だった。しかしその人とTyondai Braxtonの二人がなんと片手でギターをタッピングしながらもう片方の手で全く同じメロディーをキーボードで同時演奏するという離れ業を披露。しかも凄い速さで。ギターとキーボードの音が完璧にシンクロしてたし、やっぱり凄いなー。二人とも出来るというのが凄い。

They played some songs that I know. The played Tras, the second half of SZ2, and Dance.

I was shocked to find that the incredibly high-speed beat-boxing featured in Dance was actually NOT editted, or at least Tyondai Braxton is capable of reproducing that exact beat in a live setting with just one mic and nothing else. He started with a slow beat, gradually picking up speed, and then suddenly burst into that crazy beat-box tune. AND he played guitar and keyboard while maintaining that beat.


なんとTyondai Braxtonがあのどう聞いても編集されて作られたと思われるDanceの驚異的なボイスビートをライブにて実際に披露。驚いたというか正直ビビッたよ。最初はゆっくりとボイスパーカッションを始めてだんだん早く複雑になっていき、いきなりあのCDそのまんまのビートを繰り出し始める。しかもビートボクシングしながら片手でキーボードとかギターまで弾いてるし。

There's a cult fan-base for Battles, including myself. I found several comments on Youtube claiming that the Battles drummer, John Stanier, is nothing but a subpar parody of the Don-cab drummer. I disagree. The Battles' extreme drumming is not something that could have been easily copied from someone else, and it just seems impractical to think that such an unusual and complex drumming was deliberately copied off another band.

Yes, I am a cult-fan.

カルト的人気を誇るバトルズ。ええ、もちろん私も信者です。ドラマー(John Stanier)をドンカバの劣化モノマネだって忌み嫌う輩をYout○beで見かけたけど、マネしようと思ってできるもんじゃないってあのドラミングは。実際目の当たりにするとその凄まじさが良く分かる。なんか体が細胞レベルで動かされる気分。じっとしていられない。ええ、信者です。
