Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 14: Feist @ Webster Hall 02/10/06

2006-04-08 16:45:52 | Live Gig
第十四弾: Feistライブ @ Webster Hall

Female singer-song writer who kicks a lot of ass. She often collaborates with other bands, and is also a semi-official member of the Broken Social Scene clan.

腕利き女性シンガーソングライター。Broken Social Sceneの非公式メンバーであり、BSS以外のバンドともよくコラボする。

Nothing to do with this gig, but I was also planning to go to a BATTLES gig right after this one, which I missed, but I really didn't want to leave early from this show, yes, not even for battles.


During the gig, she invited a girl from the audience to slow dance with Jason Collett.

ライブ中観客の中から女の子を一人ステージ上へ招き、「Jason Collettとスローダンスするといいよ」と。そして踊ってる間もビールを離さないJason Collett。

Right before she performend a cover of Bee Gee's "Inside & Out" she asked the audience to take their lighters and cell phones out and hold them up high as soon as they recognized what song she was playing.

Bee Geeの"Inside & Out"をカバーする直前、観客にむかって「この曲が判ったら携帯かライターを掲げて」という指示が。演奏中次々と明かりが灯されていくが…Bee Gee全然知らねーよ。

A random tap dancer appeared out of nowhere during the gig, who looked suspiciously like the girl who was selling band merchandise before the gig. Super multitask.


She did a cover of Kings of Convenience's, "The Build-Up" and Broken Social Scene's "Major Label Debut" as the closing number, which was an excellent choice because it totally rocks.

カバー曲がもう二曲。Kings of Convenienceの"The Build-Up"とBroken Social Sceneの"Major Label Debut"。BSSの曲は盛り上がるからクロージング・ナンバーにはちょうどいい。

Btw, I heard the Postal Service remix of Feist's Mushaboom and I must admit it was pretty impressive.

Feistの"Mushaboom" Postal Serviceリミックスバージョンを最近聴いたけど、流石Ben Gibbard、いい仕事してる。
