


2010年04月21日 | トーストマスターズ

トーストマスターズでスピーチした内容です。題はシンクロニシティー 日本語では「意味ある偶然の一致」となります。

Do you like synchronized swimming?
What I want to talk today is not about synchronized swimming. It is about synchronicity.

Synchronicity means “guuzen no icchi ”in Japanese. In other words, it is the power of attraction or coincidence. I didn’t know the words, "Power of attraction" and "Synchronicity".
However, everything in my life changed after knowing the existence of Synchronicity.
You may also have had a lot of experiences called "Coincidences". I am sure I also had many such phenomena in my life, but I thought they were just coincidences.

A friend of mine gave me an advice early this year. She said, “I started writing a diary. I think you should write your diary, too.”

My answer was "NO".  I couldn’t continue writing my diary even for three days. But, my mind was moved a little bit after that. I went to a bookstore to find a diary.

Then, I met this book, “techo no kakikata/how to write a journal” instead of a dairy.

The word synchronicity was written in this book and I learnt this word for the first time. The start of synchronicity was there.

The book says the act of writing makes our idea a word.
The book says writing is a training to actualize the subconscious.
In other words, the act of writing is also a training to attract chance.

Hence, I made my target for this year and wrote them in the note. Instead of my diary.
I started writing my blog on the internet to send to my friends about news of myself.

What is happening?
The information, which will lead to my target, is coming to me one after another; then, the network connecting one person to the next is expanding. I can get the chance in which direction I want to go.

I felt it was exactly the law of synchronicity, coincidence, and power of attraction. The energy of the positive power swirls like a spiral around me, attracting what I need.

I had the following experience recently.
One day I had a business meeting, and we were talking about the topic of a "free concert that the company, Chanel, holds". I thought I would apply to such a concert next time.
After the meeting when I came home, I had a telephone call from my friend.

"Hi, Taeko, I got a ticket for Chanel’s concert; would you like to go with me? "

You can guess my surprise.
What an amazing happening!

I answered promptly "Yes, of course."

Was it only a coincidence?
I say “NO”.

The information comes from the outside when the person determines to do something and sets an antenna for it. It is called synchronicity.

I spoke last year that "If we continue thinking, the dream comes true some day". Now I think a little different from last year. I am powered up this year.

The important things for our dreams to come true are
first, "set your target clearly",
second, "think strongly and positively",
and in addition, “write down".

Then, the switch will be on.

Why do people complain about their wish in the world?
Doesn’t synchronicity happen?

I think we need something essential for it to happen.

What is it?

It is simple but it might be the most difficult!

It is "Gratitude" saying “Thank you.”

I hope you try your best to have your dream come true and invite lots of synchronicity in you life.


2 コメント

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Good luck comes to a forward person. (sakiko)
2010-04-21 23:38:22
It is a wonderful speech.
"Gratitude" and“Thank you.”
I agree, too.
These words are my mottoes.
Thank you for coming (mahlersymphony8)
2010-04-25 10:33:18
and giving me your coments.
We finished the work of edit.
I would like to say thanks again.
I appreciate all of you.
