

2011-11-15 00:28:12 | Weblog
photo : Kerstin von Gabain

計画漏電 / Planned-rolling Electric Leakage

伊東篤宏 エキシビジョン/パフォーマンス ATSUHIRO ITO Exhibition/Performance
(UPLINK「夜のアトラクション」Part.1 / UPLINK「NIGHT ATTRACTION」Part.1)


Atsuhiro Ito defines his expression as simultaneously manipulating light and sound of the fluorescent lamps named "OPTRON". He has been expanding his field and will hold a one-night-only exhibition / performance. Once the show starts, the venue will turn for a total blackout and the audience will be wrapped in the darkness and their whole body will experience the exhibition / performance programmed by Atsuhiro Ito. A night attraction will emerge in UPLINK FACTORY. Please come.
(Please note: limited to 50 people only due to safety reasons.)


Wed. 23 Nov. (national holiday)
Open 19:30 / Start 20:00


adv. 2,300 yen (accepting reservations at UPLINK FACTORY website)
door 2,500 yen (limited to 50 people including reservation)

■会場:渋谷「UPLINK FACTORY」(Bunkamuraより徒歩3分)
    Tel.03-6825-5502 /
    東京都渋谷区宇田川町37-18 トツネビル1階

UPLINK FACTORY in Shibuya, Tokyo (3min. walk from Tokyu Bunkamura)
Tel.03-6825-5502 /
1F, 37-18 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0042

伊東篤宏 / Atsuhiro Ito

美術家、OPTRON奏者。1988年に蛍光灯音具「OPTRON」(オプトロン)を創作。以後、改良を続けて現在に至る。国内外の現代美術のフィールドからクラブミュージックの領域まで、美術、音楽、ダンス等のジャンルを横断した幅広い活動を続けている。最新音源は「Midnight Pharmacist」(Black Smoker Records/CD/2011年)。

The artist known as inventor of OPTRON, the fluorescent lamps instrument. Since 1988, he has been improving OPTRON until now. His field crosses boundaries of contemporary art, experimental music, dance music and performing arts. His latest work "Midnight Pharmacist"(CD) was released from Black Smoker Records which is a HIP-HOP label based in Tokyo. (Japanese Only)