Parc d'X

tweet & book review


2013-04-01 04:33:47 | 日記

アゴラ : デジタル教育反対派への10の質問 --- 中村 伊知哉

kc1027さんがリツイート | 13 RT

Sumida-river was the mother of Edo city.But The shore is dark at night so that it's not developed enough.I'm afraid that as a citizen.

The government of Tokyo has a plan to renovate around the Sumida-river that is called "Sumida Renaissance".I desire to realize it.

Tourism can be a major industry of Japan's future. At then it's important what we want to show.Thinking tourism is thinking ourselves.

街ごとに電力供給・管理 三井不動産、まず日本橋で  :日本経済新聞

I had a little headache so that I had to read aloud the unfamiliar English.Learning language is something to remember in the body.

I will tweet in English except retweets & book reviews from this April.
