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tweet & book review


2013-04-02 05:09:27 | 日記

I usually read newspapers in the early morning and magazines at the evening.Books are that I read on the train and in my bed.

I have passed one month from doing LASIK.I remove the protective glasses soon.

A barista girl in a cafe that I stopped by after work is very cute. That's fine today.

The digital edition of "National Geographic" is splendid. That's the most impressive media I've experienced recently.

I've never lived outside of Tokyo. So I can't use English fluently. But now I desire to use English to connect overseas. It's compelling.

When I was a university student,I read Ray Carver's short novels. I rarely remember the contents but didn't forget the feeling of then.

I wonder if war begins on the other side of the sea. Young man is stupid.

RT this link so your friends know the President's plan to fix our broken immigration system: OFA.BO/xatdz7,

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