


2009-05-28 10:56:57 | Weblog


he Bush Clinton crime family puppet state of North Korea ordered to create tension

The desperate cornered rats of the Bush/Clinton crime family have ordered their North Korean puppet state to create tension in North Asia. Unconfirmed reports say the current North Korean psy-ops started after dictator Kim Jong Il was neutralized with a stroke inducing poison by a Western prostitute sent to service him. Since then North Korea has been firing missiles and announcing nuclear tests and doing whatever it can to create tension.

In a related development former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun was killed by pro-Japanese politicians, according
to North Korean sources. The death was revenge for Roh’s investigation and exposure of many prominent South Koreans who cooperated with the Japanese and then US occupation governments. This faction of traitors, now back in power,
got their revenge. They have also provoked North Korea by cutting off financial aid as they play their part in the big fake campaign to manufacture an artificial crisis in the Korean peninsula.

Meanwhile, the North Korean network of religious cults in Japan is stepping up their campaign of gang stalking of Japanese dissidents. So far, we have been hoping the North Korean religious cults operating in Japan will stop working for the Bush Clinton crime family but,if they do not reform their ways THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES.

For now we will say just this: the Sarin gas that was used in the Tokyo subway attacks was manufactured in North Korea,
according to a former Aum religious cult member. The Aum factory was merely producing amphetamines that were sold to a prominent gangster closely associated with the head of the North Korean cult in Japan.

Korean tension is not going to affect the results of the up-coming Japanese elections. Yukio Hatoyama, the head of the Democratic Party of Japan and likely winner of the July election made it a point recently to appear at a 911 truth conference. So Mr. cult leader, youknow which way the wind is blowing. 【転載②終了】






(3)2002年アメリカはロシアがイランに軽水炉を作るときには、軽水炉も核物質を作れるので、イランが大量破壊 兵器で武装することを阻止すると、ロシアに反対をした。その2002年に、アメリカは国民の税金を使い、北朝鮮で「害のない」軽水炉の建設を開始した。当 時、ブッシュはキム・ジョンイルが一年に数百個の核を持つことのできる能力を持つだろうと非難していたが、翌年の2003年も援助を続け、より多くの資金 を渡した。





【元記事転載】North Korea’s Nukes: Paid For By The U.S. Government

Paul Joseph Watson
  Prison Planet.com
Monday, May 25, 2009

North Koreas Nukes: Paid For By The U.S. Government 250509top2

Amidst the cacophony of condemnation from all sides following North Korea’s second nuclear bomb test, there has been no mention whatsoever of how the secretive Stalinist state got its weapons in the first place- they were paid for by the U.S. government.

