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悪魔払い6000人の司祭 悪魔は招き入れない限り入ってこない。危ないから魔術、降霊、占星術はやめときなさい

2017-01-24 | 悪魔

Lopez Sedano said that the devil often enters people because they let him in, because they play around with occult practices.

People let the devil in. He would not mess with us if we did not open doors for him,” he said. “That is why God forbids practicing magic, superstition, witchcraft, sorcery, divination, consultation of the dead and spirits and astrology.”

Those are the lands of “lying and deceit,” he said.

According to the priest, consulting horoscopes is ridiculous, but can also be dangerous.

Thinking that the stars influence our lives is “the biggest lie,” Lopez said. “They’re a million miles away! They are bodies made up of metals and gases, how are they going to influence us?”

“The same goes for magic, which is to attribute to things a power they do not have,” the priest said. “Carrying around a horseshoe because it’s going to give me good luck is a lie,” he said.


