
katorikku jyohou

聖杯発見 1000以上の聖遺物コレクターだったピオ神父が最期の晩餐の聖杯を所持していたことが判明 今は秘密裏に某夫人に譲られている

2018-04-03 | 聖人

The 2000 year search for the Holy Grail has ended according with a new book by Tim C. Leedom and Alberto Festa. The most sought after antiquity in history has been found and revealed by the curator of the Saint Padre Pio 1000 relic collection in Rome, Italy. The Grail that set on The Last Supper table of Jesus has been verified by carbon dating, testimonies of anthropologists and in the until now secret video of Natuzza Evolo holding The Grail.


