
katorikku jyohou

十世会の新2司教を叙階するのは例の引退ノブスオルドのウォンダー司教 ←ルフェーブル大司教がこんな取引をお許しになることは決してない。根幹にノブスオルドをインストール

2019-03-09 | 伝統派 十世会

 Vitus Huonder, who was never consecrated, but merely "installed" in 2007 under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1969, is supposed to be retiring on April 21, 2019, for free room and board, to a children's school operated by the Neo-SSPX. 

One of the man reported to be the subject of this fraud of being installed under Novus Ordo auspices is Christian Bouchancourt, just elected in July 2018 as First Assistant to Bernie Fellay's puppet, the new Neo-SSPX Superior General, Davide Pagliarani. Bouchancourt is anti-traditional; it is he who expelled the traditional priests in France that refused to consider a sellout to Newchurch. 

There will reportedly be two co-intallers, one of whom is expected to be one of the remaining three Neo-SSPX bishops, and the other of whom, another (invalid) Novus Ordo Newbishop.. This charade is reportedly going on with at least the tacit approval of the Marxist/Modernist Heretic Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. In his address Bishop Williamson calls Fellay and Pagliarani "naive" and "blind" in deliberately allowing the heretic Newchurch of the New Order to "establish a Trojan House" within the Neo-SSPX.

April 28, 2019, Fellay-Pagliarani's Neo-SSPX (since 1994 it has not been the original traditional Catholic organization founded by traditional Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre) will become unquestionably a heretic Novus Ordo organization.


Per the liturgical directives, Huonder, whose own bishops’ ordination was invalid (see why here), would be assisted by two co-consecrating bishops, which would be chosen from among the SSPX’s remaining bishops — Bernard FellayBernard Tissier de Mallerais, and Alfonso de Galarreta. Thus the consecration would definitely be valid, since all consecrators truly confer the sacrament, as Pope Pius XII made clear in his 1944 Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis Consecrationis.People may wonder why Francis would allow the SSPX to consecrate new bishops. He just committed a huge public act of apostasy in Abu Dhabi, one for which the SSPX criticized him. Why would he do such a thing? He speaks out against the Traditional Latin Mass on occasion and keeps persecuting orders in his church with traditional leanings, such as the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. So how does this go together?

The answer is: Francis plays both sides because it works in his favor. The more he does for the SSPX, the more indebted they will be to him, and the more loath they will be to oppose him in any meaningful way. He wants to control the oppositition he has, and this is an effective way to do it. Let them have their little traditional niche in the Modernist madhouse, and they will keep quiet — they will not pose any serious threat while Francis keeps advancing the apostasy to ever great levels. The past few years have demonstrated as much: At a time when even many Novus Ordos are screaming at the top of their lungs about Francis, the SSPX has made comparatively little noise.



