
katorikku jyohou

女性司祭は万民祭司思想 女性侍者の2割は司祭憧憬 前から言われていたが女性侍者は女性司祭への誘惑。それにしても侍者しても憧憬1%の男性は情けない

2020-09-22 | 典礼 ノブスオルド

Sources from inside the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops revealed exciting news this morning after an internal study revealed that nearly 20% of altar girls in the U.S. aspire to the priesthood.

One insider called the survey an “exciting discovery,” saying that the bishops now have tangible proof that their project to boost vocational numbers is proving successful.

“With this current pontificate finally opening the door to the possibility of female ordination to the diaconate, it’s only a matter of time before these altar girls will achieve their dreams of being ordained to the priesthood,” the source told EOTT.  “I look forward to that day, and I hope it comes in my lifetime.”

EOTT obtained a copy of the survey results conducted in the first quarter of 2020, which shows that just 1% of males surveyed answered “Yes” to the question asking if they aspired to be a Catholic priest someday.


