
katorikku jyohou


2022-03-24 | F1 フランシス一世



【参考資料】速報:教皇フランシスコの「人類、特にロシアとウクライナ」の奉献のテキストを公開 - Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた


The prayer of “consecration” for Friday has been released. It is a total travesty of Our Lady’s request. The test is here.

It is, as everything that Francis says and does, a fraud.

The Mockery Of Fatima



民数記 8 「あなたは、つえをとり、あなたの兄弟アロンと共に会衆を集め、その目の前で岩に命じて水を出させなさい。こうしてあなたは彼らのために岩から水を出して、会衆とその家畜に飲ませなさい」。
10 モーセはアロンと共に会衆を岩の前に集めて彼らに言った、「そむく人たちよ、聞きなさい。われわれがあなたがたのためにこの岩から水を出さなければならないのであろうか」。
11 モーセは手をあげ、つえで岩を二度打つと、水がたくさんわき出たので、会衆とその家畜はともに飲んだ。
12 そのとき主はモーセとアロンに言われた、「あなたがたはわたしを信じないで、イスラエルの人々の前にわたしの聖なることを現さなかったから、この会衆をわたしが彼らに与えた地に導き入れることができないであろう」。



モーセとアロンが約束の地に入ることが許されなかった真の理由 - 牧師の書斎


Secondly, and this is where it is most serious. The rock symbolized Jesus Christ. Paul the Apostle provided commentary in 1 Corinthians chapter 10: “[1] Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; [2] And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; [3] And did all eat the same spiritual meat; [4] And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” Connecting this with the narrative of Moses striking the rock, we learn that Moses disrespected Jesus Christ Himself. Moses struck Jesus Christ when God had said to speak to Him!

Prophetically, we can take this a step further. Jesus Christ was only struck once in the sense that He was only abused of man once. He was tortured before and during Calvary’s crucifixion, that eternal life flow freely to us, but never again will our precious Saviour suffer. His First Coming was incomparably awful but His Second Coming is unfathomably wonderful. There is nothing but glory left for Him to experience! He does not need to be struck twice

Why could Moses not enter the Promised Land?


Let’s examine carefully the specific set of instructions that God gave:

  1. Take Your Rod.
  2. Get Your Brother Aaron.
  3. Gather the People before the Rock.
  4. Speak to the Rock.
  5. Give Everyone a Drink.

    Moses makes a great start to obeying God, but a really lousy ending.    Let’s examine what Moses did according to these two verses and list the steps that he took:

    1. Moses Took the Rod.
    2. Moses Met with His Brother Aaron.
    3. Moses and Aaron Gathered the People Together Before the Rock.
    4. Moses Then Said to the People.

   Let’s continue our list of what Moses did and analyze them to see what they say to us.  We are now on step 5 of what Moses did.

5.  Moses Lifted His Hand.

6.  Moses Smote the Rock.

7.  Moses Smote the Rock Again.

8.  Moses Gave Everyone a Drink.

You can see that Moses did eight things to God’s 5 step plan of instructions.  How many things is that, too many?  Of course that is 3 things too many.  God never told Moses to raise his hand.  God never told Moses to strike the Rock.  Why did Moses have to hit the rock twice? 

Speak To Your Rock! Why Moses Didn’t Enter into the Promise Land!


