
katorikku jyohou

バチカンのエクソシスト司教 メジュゴリエは悪魔

2017-01-08 | 聖母出現

Bishop Exorcist Says Medjugorje is Diabolical

 Edit: anyone with a rudimentary catechism would know Medjugogoo is fake.
[UNAMsanctamcatholicam] We haven't heard much from Medjugorje lately - I was following the Ruini Commission for awhile, which was charged with investigated the alleged apparitions by the Holy Father and was supposed to come up with some sort of  definitive judgment. I still haven't heard anything from Cardinal Ruini, but this 2008 interview with Bishop Andrea Gemma, one of the Church's foremost exorcists, has recently come to light in which the bishop soundly condemns Medjugorje as a diabolical phenomenon.

