内的生活の3段階(浄め・照らし・一致)はソロモン神殿の構造と同型 ←司祭になるなら照らし、司教になるなら一致のレベルに前もってなってなくてはならないと聖イゾルデやラグランジェ
2020-09-10 | 祈り
1) Purgative (outer court)
2) Illuminative (holy place)
3) Unitive (holy of holies)
PS: According to Saint Isidore and Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, a priest must be in the unitive way before he should allow himself to be consecrated as a bishop. Also a man must first be in the illuminative way before being ordained a priest. You will find similar things said by the Saint Denys the Areopagite.