<英語・数学> さくら教育研究所(中学・高校受験・SKREDU)

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2020-02-15 | 日記

CHAPTER 3 時制(1)
CHECK 1 ( )内の動詞を現在形か過去形に直しなさい.
1) Yumi (go) to the library every Sunday. (現在の習慣を表すように)

2) Masato (hit) a home run yesterday.

3) Water (freeze) at 0°C.

4) My father sometimes (take) me to the park when I was a boy.

CHECK 2 日本文の意味になるように各文の( )内に適語を入れなさい.
1) とても忙しそうですね.手伝いましょう.
You look so busy. ( ) ( ) you.
2) 私はフランスで絵画を学ぶつもりです.それが私の夢です.
( ) ( ) ( ) study painting in France. It's my dream.
3) あの雲を見てごらん.雨になりそうだよ.
Look at the clouds. ( ) ( ) to rain.


CHECK 3 各文を時制に注意して日本語に直しなさい.( )内の動詞は適当な時制に直すこと.
1) Italian national soccer team arrives in Tokyo next Monday.

2) We'll go to the sea if the weather (be) good tomorrow.

3) You must come home before it (get) dark.

4) Do you know when she (leave) for Canada?

CHECK 4 進行形の意味に注意して次の各文を日本語に直しなさい.
1) When I went into his room, he was listening to music.

2) The brothers are quarreling about small things all the time.

3) I will be seeing the sights of Kyoto about this time tomorrow.

4) We are having a party next Sunday. Come and join us.
