<英語・数学> さくら教育研究所(中学・高校受験・SKREDU)

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高校受験・中学英語・長文読解の徹底マスター 1000

2024-07-02 | 日記

長文にTRY! 5

 The weather was lovely last Sunday, so I decided to take a walk to a big park near my house.  I wanted to relax under the trees and escape from my daily life.  I didn't want to think about my work or responsibilities or any other thing at all.  My aim for this Sunday was to be totally lazy.  After I got to the park, I sat down on a bench.  Sitting on another bench near me was a stranger.  I did not like the way he stared at me, and I began to get nervous.  Then he got up and walked away in the opposite direction.  But it was too late; my day was ruined.