<英語・数学> さくら教育研究所(中学・高校受験・SKREDU)

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高校受験・中学英語・長文読解の徹底マスター 1000

2024-07-07 | 日記

長文にTRY! 4

 I believe that everybody needs to have a good education.  It is very difficult to have a successful life in business if people haven't learned many important things and gained much useful information. However, I also think that we need to be concerned with human relations as well.  It certainly is important for people not only to have knowledge, but also to know how to deal with other people.  Recently, due to the rise of technology, many people have had trouble expressing their feelings in an honest but polite manner.  The effect of this has led to what I consider to be a problem for society, which we must try to solve.

