flagburner's blog(仮)


Greenpeace のメンバーがイスラエルで逮捕された件:番外編

2008-09-15 21:11:35 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
一週間前、 Greenpeace のメンバーがイスラエル当局に逮捕されたとか話のオマケ。
・Greenpeace Activists Arrested for Trespassing, Vandalism(2008年9月8日 IsraelNationalNews)

この INN の記事に書かれてるコメントには、どこかの国でもあるようなイカれたものもあった。
以下、INN の記事に寄せられたコメントからいくつか引用してみる。
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1. Eco-Terrorists

Coal is one of the few energy sources which is not produced by oppressive Muslim dictatorships.
Israel must get off Arab oil, and coal can provide a real solution.
The same old Durban crowd who equates Zionism to racism wants to make you believe that coal is causing global warming. Do not belive this junk science.
Good for Israel that they threw out those Greenpeace activits.
Hugo Schmidt Fischer, Berlin (08/09/08)

8. they know all the problems but they dont offer a solution

Most power stations in the developed world are still coal fired but Greenpeace think that Israel is the country they should come to so they can make their protest.

Greenpeace are a bunch of hypocrites they tell us all what the problems are but they don't provide viable solutions.

They don't like neuclear power.

They don't understand things like gas are very much dependent on international politcs & very few countries have large gas reserves.

They like renewable energy like solar but don't understand thats in its early days and not viable as a main power source yet.
They fail to mention Israel is a leader in renewable energy or that its only one of many countries that uses coal.

Coal is plentifull, cheap & easy to come by making it ideal for practicality purposes.
It's poluting but most people want their electricity first & save the enviroment second Greenpeace don't understand reality.
zionist forever, (09/09/08)

12. Greenpeace and coal

Greenpeace have a point of view, but they are not noted for being sensitive to economic priorities that conflict with their ethos.
Oil is too sensistive a commodity for Israel to rely on it for its power needs.
If they can't learn to understand such considerations, they don't deserve any sympathy.
I suggest Israel puts the crew in prison for a while and confiscates the ship and converts it to a coal carrier.
Reg V, Wolverhampton, (09/09/08)

13. These are sad people

These people are some of the biggest cowards I've ever heard of.
They care more about nature than they do than the one who created it.
These people deserve no respect.
Liberals and the U.N. deserve no respect.
They're all enemies of Israel and should be executed.
micheal, milton (09/09/08)

15. Greenpiece - a bunch of bleeding heart leftie reds...

... who are more "concerned" about "the planet" than the people who live on it.
Worse, their global warming religion is a complete farce that is exacting a huge price from most western nations.
Interestingly, I do see these evil meddlers rappelling down the face of any Chinese or Indian buildings.
I wonder why that might be?
After all, India and China pump out more noxious crap that the rest of the planet combined!
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the Indians and Chinese would simply arrest these trouble-makers and chuck them in jail for a few years...?
A few years in a Chinese jail would do these losers a world of good.
It would help to realign their priorities, and show them that people come first, planet 2nd.
Peter, Napier, NZ (10/09/08)
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