flagburner's blog(仮)


Dirty Tourism:the very nature of "tourism"?(Apr 7, 2015)

2015-04-07 21:48:20 | 時事ネタ(海外)
今回は、『ダーティー・ツーリズム(dirty tourism)』に関する小話。

これに関しては、Days Japan が2015年4月号でダヴィッド・レンヘル(David Rengel)氏の撮影した画像を用いて紹介している。
↓Days Japan による記事の紹介Tweet。

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DAYS JAPAN4月号【観光利用される子どもたち『ダーティー・ツーリズム』】

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で、先月中旬、Daily MailがRengel氏へのインタビューなどを元にこのダーティー・ツーリズムに関する記事を書いていた。
・Shocking images show horror of child labour at toxic Cambodia rubbish site... and the tourists who visit to photograph them(2015年3月16日 dailymail.co.uk)


Daily Mailの記事で紹介されてるRengel氏のコメントは、ダーティ・ツーリズムが抱えてる闇の底深さを示すものだった。
ちうわけで、2015年3月16日分 dailymail.co.uk『Shocking images~』から中盤部分を(略)

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Rengel explained: 'I went to Siem Reap, where my colleague and friend Omar Havana, a freelance photographer for Getty images, had been developing a project over various years. He gave me the contacts I needed to enter the site.'

'While I was taking photos to demonstrate the realities of child labour, I realised tourists were arriving to visit, sometimes in buses and other times in tuk-tuks, Cambodian taxis, I thought it was horrible, and it should be reported.

'In that moment, I changed my point of view and instead decided to report on the practice of tourism as one of the causes of slave labour, including child labour.'

While spending time talking to the 200 or so people living at the site, more of 50 of whom are children, Rengel realised the rubbish dump was being offered as an alternative kind of tour to the usual temple visits.

He told MailOnline Travel: 'What disgusted me, what I didn't understand and what I don't think is understandable is why these tourist visit places where children work, or visit orphanages where children have lost their parents.

'It seems awful to me that tourists and people with money take part in this, from their position of privilege, show such contempt towards the inhabitants of the countries they visit and towards their human rights.

'What is the most contemptuous, what we shouldn't allow under any circumstances, is that they use children like a some kind of entertainment, violating all their human rights in the process.'
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その辺に関しては、今福 龍太(Ryu-ta IMAFUKU)氏は、『クレオール主義(1991)』第4章『ファンタジーワールドの誕生』で、映画『カンニバル・ツアーズ(Cannibal Tours)』(監督;デニス・オルーク:1987)で描かれている「食人族ツアー」の参加者と現地の人達の関係に触れていた。

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なにせ、(Daily Mailの記事で紹介されてた画像にも映ってるが)ゴミの山を前にひたすら写真を撮りまくるわけでさ・・・。

・Dirty tourism in Cambodia(2015年3月21日 phnompenhpost.com)

以下、2015年3月21日分 phnompenhpost.com『Dirty tourism~』から長くなるが中盤部分を(略)

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But photojournalist Thomas Cristofoletti, co-founder of the Cambodia-based Ruom Collective of journalists, said he was uneasy with amateur photographers seeking out grim situations.

“I don’t enjoy going to see people suffering – that’s not something I like to do, and I don’t understand how people could pay to have this kind of experience,” he said.

While he said citizen journalism had its place, particularly during sudden situations requiring quick action, photographers should generally have professional backgrounds before attempting to navigate the ethical dilemmas of bearing witness to poverty.

“You need preparation and [to] follow some kind of ethics to be able to document the reality of a problem,” he said.

James Sutherland, international communications coordinator at NGO Friends International, which works at the Anlong Pi dumpsite, said the distinction between legitimate reportage and exploitation was not always clear.

“There’s a very fine line indeed here about exploiting the people you’re supposedly trying to help by reporting the issue,” he said, adding that he has concerns about photojournalists’ effects on poor communities and condemns organised tours entirely.

In one instance, Sutherland saw an image of the Anlong Pi dumpsite with exaggerated red colouring that gave the area a hellish glow.
Terrible as the site may be, he found the manipulation distasteful.

“[Scavengers] are not objects, they’re not another piece in your scenario,” he said.

Sutherland also said that informed consent can be tricky to obtain when children are involved.

“Children are just fascinated by the idea that someone wants to take their picture – they will have a look at it, have a laugh with it and joke about it, but they have no idea what’s going to happen with that image,” he said.

Cristofoletti said that, while such ethical problems are well known among photographers, he feared amateurs would not have the professional background to make good choices.

“It’s not ethical to take pictures of minors without consent of the parents, probably something tourists don’t know,” said Cristofoletti, adding that in certain instances he has opted to obscure the identities of children even with parental consent.

“You don’t need to see the faces to understand the reality – I can still try to preserve the dignity of the minor without exposing him to the public. That’s something you know because you’re professional, because you’re doing this job and you know the rules.”
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