flagburner's blog(仮)


War crimes are not free expression!

2009-10-20 20:25:03 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
なんか知らんが、今月15日にイスラエル前首相こと Ehud Olmert 氏(現在訴追中)がシカゴ大学のハリス校(?:University of Chicago's Harris School)で講演を行った。
しかし、この講演は Olmert 氏にとって予想もしない展開になった。
・EI exclusive video: Protesters shout down Ehud Olmert in Chicago(2009年10月16日 Electronic Intifada)


Protestors shut down Ehud Olmert speech at University of Chicago

実は、この講演前に Olmert 氏側から「カメラ・録音機器などの持ち込みは一切禁止」という要請が出されていた。

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Dear guest,

Thank you for your interest in attending tomorrow's address by Ehud Olmert, former Prime Minister of Israel.
We are expecting a large turnout, due to the security that attends a former head of state, we anticipate delays in entering Mandel Hall.

We will begin checking in regarded members of the audience at 2 pm, and we urge you to arrive no later than 3 pm; doors will close at 3:50.
Please bring photo identification.
Do not bring any bags, backpacks, umbrellas, food, drink, or sigune authorities have informed us that those items will not be allowd in the hall, and we will not be able to store them for you.

Once inside the hall, you will not be able to leave and re-enter.
Restrooms will accessible from inside the hall.
At the request of the speaker, no independent photos or recordings will be allowed.

At the University of Chicago, freedom of expression is vital to our shared goal of the pursuit of knowledge, as is the right of all members of the community to explore new ideas and learn from one another.
In order to promote open and rigorous inquiry, we must also protect an atmosphere of civil discourse.
As such we will provide the opportunity to address written questions to Mr. Olmert at the end of address; we will distribute and collect cards on which you can write the question you wish to ask.

if anybody attempts to disrupt a public event or prevent an invited guest or other recognized speaker from being heard, we will ask that this behavior stop.
If that warning is not heeded, we may remove any members of the audience creating disruption.

We appreciate your cooporation with our efforts to ensure open discourse and freedom of expression.

We appreciate your cooporation,
The Harris School

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いつから Olmert 首相は早安家族(笑)メンバー並みの扱いになったんだよ(違)

今回紹介した動画は、(どうやって持ち込んだか知らんが)EI のメンバーが強引に会場内に持ち込んだ奴で撮影されたとか。
この動画で講演の様子を伝えてる冒頭、『War crimes are not free expression!~』という発言があった。
この後も Olmert 首相とイスラエル政府への非難は止まず。
ついでに、ハリス校(?)の責任者である Colm O'Muircheataigh 氏にも非難の嵐。

一応、この講演で Olmert 氏を非難した人達の発言について 2009年10月16日分 Electronic Intifada から(略

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Towards the end of the lecture, Olmert put his hand over his brow and squinted to search out the source of the shout, "There's no discussion with a war criminal -- the only discussion you should be having is in court!"
That call was made by Ream Qato, who graduated from the university in 2007, and added, "You belong in the Hague!"
Qato told The Electronic Intifada that yesterday's protest "Set the stage for University of Chicago students and students in the Chicago area ... no one should be afraid of speaking out against someone."
She added that the demonstration was significant because "The Palestinian community [in Chicago] for the first time went to a university campus to protest."

Second-year medical student Afshan Mohiuddin was removed from the hall after she voiced her disapproval at the Harris School dean's on-stage assertion that Olmert was invited to express his views.
"He can do that at the International Court of Justice, not at this university," Mohiuddin shouted, adding, "[Olmert] belongs in a cage, not on a stage!"

Mohiuddin told The Electronic Intifada that "it was ironic that they searched us [instead of him]," considering that Olmert is suspected of war crimes.
She added, "As a University of Chicago student I was upset with the lack of commotion on behalf of the student body before the event ... No one has protested the event."
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ハーグに行く前に、Olmert 氏はイスラエル国内の裁判(汚職疑惑)を片付ける必要もありそうだが・・・。
俺としては、Olmert 氏がハーグの国際刑事裁判所(ICC)の場で活躍することを期待している(違)
I want you, Mr. Olmert, to see your stage on the ICC.

その反響は予想以上で、映像は Al Jazeera 等でも取り上げられたという。
・EI video of Olmert protest goes global (2009年10月19日 Electronic Intifada)

その意味では、Electronic Intifada にとって非常に「美味しい」騒動だった?


