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Distorting History through textbooks:both Israel and Palestine(Feb 5, 2013)

2013-02-05 21:15:08 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・Palestinian Textbooks Don't Vilify Jews, New Study Reveals: U.S.-Funded Report Says Both Sides Distort History(2013年2月4日 forward.com)
・Scientific Study of Israeli and Palestinian School Books Documents Ways: In Which “The Other” is Portrayed(2013年2月4日? cloudfront.net;.pdfファイル)

参考までに、2013年2月4日? cloudfront.net『Scientific Study~』から結果の概要を(略

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・Dehumanizing characterizations of the other are rare in both Israeli and Palestinian school books.

Both Israeli and Palestinian school books present unilateral national narratives that present the other as the enemy, chronicle negative actions by the other directed at their own communities, and present their own communities in positive terms.
Historical events, while not false or fabricated, are selectively presented to reinforce each community’s national narrative.

There is a lack of information about the religions, cultures, economies and daily activities of the other, or even of the existence of the other on maps.
The absence of this kind of information serves to deny the legitimate presence of the other.

・While present and problematic in all school systems, the negative presentation of the other, the positive, non-critical presentation of the self, and the absence of images and information about the other, are more pronounced in the Israeli ultra-Orthodox and Palestinian school books than in the Israeli State school books.
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以下、2013年2月4日分 forward.com『Palestinian Textbooks~』から、調査に関わった研究者の1人である Bruce Wexler氏のコメントなどを(略

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The researchers also examined maps in the schoolbooks, and found that in 58 percent of the post-1967 maps in Palestinian schoolbooks, the polity “Palestine” is shown, with its area incorporating everything between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, including present-day Israel.
There is no mention of Israel.

Conversely, 76 percent of the post-1967 maps in Israeli schoolbooks show Israel as the area between the river and the sea, with no mention of the Palestinian Authority, or notation of the so-called Green Line that separates Israel from the West Bank and Gaza territories it conquered in the 1967 Six Day War.

“This type of education can create a lasting obstacle to peace,” said Wexler.
“If you grow up seeing maps that seem to imply that the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is your homeland… and you are asked to give up some of that land to make two states, you would feel you are losing something that you never had to begin with.”
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・Israel Rejects 'Profoundly Unobjective' Education Report(2013年2月5日 israelnationalnews.com)

以下、2013年2月5日分israelnationalnews.com『Israel Rejects~』からその部分を(略

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The Israel Education Ministry released a statement saying, “An evaluation, by professionals from the Education Ministry and from outside it, [shows...] that it is biased, unprofessional and profoundly unobjective.”

“The clear impression is that this is a ‘study’ the conclusions of which were known in advance, before any professional work was done, and certainly does not accurately reflect the reality,” it stated.

“The attempt to create a parallel between the Israeli and Palestinian educational systems is without any foundation whatsoever and has no basis in reality,” the statement added.

The Education Ministry, highlighting Israel’s longstanding claim that Arab textbooks and educational materials intentionally and systematically incite hatred the Jewish people and Jewish state, provided several reasons for its rejection of the study:

“1. The overall approach and tone of the study reflect an attempt to create an artificial and inaccurate picture of balance between Palestinian and Israeli books.

2. The study omits important examples of incitement and delegitimization found in official PA textbooks.

3. Its methodology is flawed in that it misses or obscures critical differences between Israeli and Palestinian texts.

4. The study provides a highly-distorted depiction of the PA’s systematic efforts to educate and indoctrinate Palestinian children to hate, violence and non-acceptance of Israel’s existence. This is a result of the fact that the study focuses only on a very specific and limited component of those efforts.”
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