flagburner's blog(仮)


Was Rachel CORRIE an activist for something that "the opposite of peace"?

2012-09-03 21:38:17 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

2003年3月に、イスラエル軍による Gaza 地区住民の家屋破壊に抗議した際、イスラエル軍の兵士が運転するブルドーザーに巻き込まれ命を落としてしまったレイチェル・コリー(Rachel CORRIE)さん。
この件について、2010年3月、Rachel さんの家族は、イスラエル政府を相手に 1シェケルの賠償(とイスラエル軍の過失を認める)を求める裁判を起こしていた。
・Rachel Corrie's parents describe ruling as 'bad day for human rights' - video(2012年8月28日 guardian.co.uk)

・The Philadelphi-Tehran route(2012年9月3日 ynetnews.com)

上の論説を書いた Hagai Segal(חגי סגל)氏は、判決がRachel さんを「平和活動家(peace activist:פעיל שלום)でない」と述べたにも関わらず、を平和活動家と紹介してることを紹介していた。
その流れで、Segal 氏は意味深なコメントを・・・。
以下、2012年9月3日分 ynetnews.com『The Philadelphi~』から前半部分を(略

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Rachel Corrie grew up in an eloquent family.
Last week her parents addressed the court's ruling that they were not entitled to any compensation for their daughter's death by an Israeli bulldozer along the Philadelphi Route.
This is a "black day for human rights,” they said with impressive western restraint and the talent of seasoned propagandists.

On the other hand, it was a great day for the truth.
The court validated suspicions that the late Rachel Corrie was not a peace activist, but rather an activist for something that is the opposite of peace.

The verdict determined that the International Solidarity Movement Corrie belonged to "abuses the human rights discourse to blur its actions which are de facto violence."
It further said that Corrie and her associates acted as human shields "to protect terrorists" and disrupt IDF activity.

And yet, the newscasts continued to refer to Corrie as a "peace activist."
Once again it was proven that political correctness is more powerful than justified court rulings.
This is what makes it possible for someone to throw stones at IDF soldiers in Bilin or Na'alin and publicly support suicide bombings and still be considered a peace activist.
Actually, most of the hostile acts against us in the 21st century were carried out by peace activists.
Terrorists and Israel-haters are long gone – only human rights activists remain.
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そもそも、"us" って誰のことを言うんだろうか?

ってのはともかく、裁判所的には Rachel さんは「平和活動家じゃない」けど、公平さの観点(・・・)だと平和活動家になるってのは、良くも悪くも政治権力に反対することの意味を語ってるとも言える。
(もっとも、Segal 氏の過去の経歴(1980年代に PLO の幹部暗殺未遂に関与し、有罪判決を受けた)を踏まえると、この記事は平和活動家への皮肉という意味が強そうだけど)

・Rachel Corrie trial verdict a failed attempt to criminalize solidarity(2012年8月31日 Electronic Intifada)

以下、2012年8月31日分 Electronic Intifada『Rachel Corrie trial~』から終盤部分を(略

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Evidence that “simply do[es] not exist anymore”

There were audio cassettes recorded during the autopsy, but Judge Gershon accepted the state explanation which claimed that “The tapes simply do not exist anymore because of financial problems at the Institute of Forensic Medicine.”
The fact that evidence from this important trial could be lost to simple malpractice calls into question the priorities of the institute.
All tapes that contain critical information for ongoing legal proceedings should be exempt from the apparently strict recycling policies.

But the verdict has failed to accomplish the goals of its underlying motive — the attempt to criminalize the ISM failed to prevent expressions of international solidarity.
In fact, solidarity grew despite the killing.
Also, in failing to perform its sole function of providing justice, the Israeli legal system has created the necessity for appeals to international forums where there is no statute of limitation on war crimes.

To the Corrie family we say: your nine-year struggle to follow the case has been an inspiration to the Palestinians and people around the world striving for justice and defending human rights.
The efforts to silence your voices and deny you justice will only galvanize your supporters, inspiring greater efforts to the cause your daughter stood and died for.
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