flagburner's blog(仮)



2009-12-11 20:03:19 | 捕鯨騒動
・Sea Shepherd Captain Tells Japan to Bring It On(2009年12月9日 Sea Shepherd)

一体 Sea Shepherd の方々はどこでこの話を仕入れたのやら・・・。
つか、なんでこれが Sea Shepherd から出てきた話なのか、と日本の新聞社の方々に丸1時間問い詰め(略

ともかく、この件に関して、Watson 船長は逆に(「調査捕鯨」にとって都合の悪い状況になったと)喜んでいた模様。
以下、2009年12月9日分 Sea Shepherd『Sea Shepherd Captain~』から、Watson 船長のコメント部分を一部引用する。

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Captain Paul Watson is not surprised at the news.
Japan sent a security ship last season and the fact that they have sent two ships this year is a very positive development for the Sea Shepherd campaign.
Says Captain Watson, "It means they are taking us seriously and that they see us as a serious threat to their illegal profiteering from the slaughter of whales in the Southern Whale Sanctuary. It also means that the cost of supporting this illegal activity has greatly increased and thus it means that whaling is now even more of a serious economic liability than ever before."
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ただでさえ高止まり気味の南極海での「調査捕鯨」のコストをさらに引き上げたという意味で、海上保安庁の船が出動したのは Watson 船長にとっては「吉報」だったか?
流石に、Watson 船長も海上保安庁の船に絡んでる余裕はないだろうけど・・・。

さらに、この声明で Watson 船長は反捕鯨国の日本政府への対応を厳しく非難していた。
以下、2009年12月9日分 Sea Shepherd『Sea Shepherd Captain~』から、最終段落を(略

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"Diplomacy has failed for a quarter of a century. Japan does whatever Japan wants to do. You don't save whales by hanging banners and appointing a so-called whaling envoy. You don't save whales by posturing once a year at the IWC meetings and you don't save whales by issuing media releases about how committed the government is to defending whales," said Captain Watson.
"It is now what it was in September 2007 when Peter Garrett accused the Howard government of doing nothing. He said at the time it was all smoke and mirrors, all pretty pictures and all talk and no action. Two years later with Garrett in charge it still is what Garrett said it was under the Howard government. Do we really need to see fifteen Australian citizens assaulted and hauled off to Japan in chains before any action is taken? I believe if that does happen, nothing will still happen. The so called ‘conservation’ nations have become little Japanese lap dogs that do what they're told despite their pathetic barking."
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日本の南極海における「調査捕鯨」の状況について「調査捕鯨」に反対してる国々がろくにチェックをしてこなかったのが、Sea Shepherd のみならず「調査捕鯨」団にとって都合のいい状況を作り出してるわけで。
その意味では、Sea Shepherd の抗議活動と「調査捕鯨」団の行動について、「調査捕鯨」に反対する国々の責任は決して小さくないかと。
ついでに、Al-Jazeera などの取材陣も同行させれば、南極海で何が起きてるかについて状況も見えてくるしな。

(2009年12月10日 YOMIURI ONLINE)

これって、Sea Shepherd が何らかの「違反」をすることが既定路線として扱われてるような・・・。


