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Haredim vs Yesh Atid over exemption from military duty?(Dec 10, 2012)

2012-12-10 21:32:42 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
しかし、今年2月になってイスラエルの最高裁判所(High Court of Justice)がその根拠となっていた法律(Tal Law)を違憲(イスラエルは成文憲法がないのだが)と判断、今年8月1日0時で失効した。
・Israel's High Court rules Tal Law unconstitutional, says Knesset cannot extend it in present form(2012年2月21日 Haaretz.com)
・Tal Law Expires – IDF has a Month to Offer Alternative(2012年7月31日 israelnationalnews.com)

そのため、超正統(略)の人達に対しても兵役が課せられることになったが、この手の法律廃止後の経過措置なのかイスラエル政府は 超正統(略)の人達約1,300人の兵役免除を決めていた。
・Yesh Atid petitions High Court on haredi exemption(2012年12月10日 jpost.com)

この署名を提出したのは、今年になって元ニュースアンカーのヤイル・ラピド(Yair Lapid:יאיר לפיד)氏が党首である イェシュ・アティド(Yesh Atid:יש עתיד‎)という政党に所属する議員の方々。
これを提出したことについて、Lapid 氏は妙なことを述べていた。
以下、2012年12月10日分 jpost.com『Yesh Atid~』から、Lapid 氏のコメント部分を(略

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Lapid said the government’s decision to release Haredim from military service “was a disgraceful decision made for political reasons and with contempt” for the High Court’s decision nullifying the "Tal Law" four months ago.

The government's decision aimed to stymie the fall-off in numbers of recruits serving in the civilian service program since the law's expiration.

“It cannot be that the State of Israel distinguishes between blood” of Haredim “and blood” of others, Lapid said.

“With the assistance of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the Haredi parties took advantage of this moment, before the election, to express contempt for the rule of law, contempt for secular and religious (non-Haredi) sectors of society and contempt for the IDF,” said Lapid.

According to Lapid, the government’s decision is a “blatant mockery of an express decision of the High Court, and we cannot allow this decision to pass.”

He also slammed the Labor Party, stating, “I do not understand why I stand here alone on the steps of the court and why there is not by my side the leader of the Labor Party as a partner in this process.”

Lapid concluded, saying that, “We are here to commit that we will not sit in a government that does not accept this principle” and that “this is one of our five commitments and part of our contract with the State of Israel."
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・Haredim screened by IDF, but will they enlist?(2012年12月10日 ynetnews.com)

以下、2012年12月10日分 ynetnews.com『Haredim screened~』からその部分を(略

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Religion is their profession

According to the source, up until now these youths would have arrived at the induction center only to receive their "religion is their profession" exemption (mandated by the Tal Law to haredi students).
More over, these youths - as well as an additional 2,000 who will be called up in the next eight months – will be eligible to serve only from August 2013.

"Whether or not those 1,500 will be enlisted or not is for the Knesset to decide," the source said.
He added that with the expiration of the Tal Law, all other arrangements were also annulled, including a system which refers haredim to civil service - the civilian alternative to IDF service.

Hence, according to the source, at a de facto level these arrangements were kept in place either until a government decision was put into law or until August 2013, "whatever comes first".

In this regard, the source stressed that a larger number of these haredim are parents in their early 20s or later, whose chances of actually serving in the army are little to none, thus making the dilemma not between military to civil service, but rather between civil service to no service whatsoever.
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最後になるが、以前この件について o-kojo2 さんが述べたコメントを引用しとく。
・[よのなか]超正統派ユダヤ教徒の徴兵問題(2012年9月12日 おこじょの日記)


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