flagburner's blog(仮)


Anyway, who is "Sam Bacile"?(Sep 13, 2012)

2012-09-13 20:10:14 | 時事ネタ(海外)

その際、元凶となった映画『Innocence of Islam』の監督について "Sam Bacile" 氏と紹介していた。

しかし、この "Sam Bacile" という名前、どうやら偽名だった模様・・・。
・Anti-Islam filmmaker "Sam Bacile" identity in question(2012年9月12日 cbsnews.com)
・Muhammad-Film Consultant: 'Sam Bacile' Is Not Israeli, and Not a Real Name(2012年9月12日 theatlantic.com)

当初、"Sam Bacile" と名乗る人物は、イスラエル出身でユダヤ系の人云々と名乗っていた。
しかし、自称(またか)武闘派キリスト教徒の活動家(・・・)にして問題の映画の監修役こと Steve Klein 氏(cbsnews.com の記事には画像が掲載されてたが、この名前が偽名だったら笑うしか)は、"Sam Bacile" という人物について色々語っていた。
以下、2012年9月12日分 theatlantic.com『Muhammad-Film Consultant~』の中盤部分を(略

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Klein told me that Bacile, the producer of the film, is not Israeli, and most likely not Jewish, as has been reported, and that the name is, in fact, a pseudonym.
He said he did not know "Bacile"'s real name.
He said Bacile contacted him because he leads anti-Islam protests outside of mosques and schools, and because, he said, he is a Vietnam veteran and an expert on uncovering al Qaeda cells in California.
"After 9/11 I went out to look for terror cells in California and found them, piece of cake. Sam found out about me. The Middle East Christian and Jewish communities trust me."

He said the man who identified himself as Bacile asked him to help make the anti-Muhammad film.
When I asked him to describe Bacile, he said: "I don't know that much about him. I met him, I spoke to him for an hour. He's not Israeli, no. I can tell you this for sure, the State of Israel is not involved, Terry Jones (the radical Christian Quran-burning pastor) is not involved. His name is a pseudonym. All these Middle Eastern folks I work with have pseudonyms. I doubt he's Jewish. I would suspect this is a disinformation campaign."
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確かなのは、"Sam Bacile" という人物、少なくてもハリウッドの全米監督協会(the Directors Guild of America:労働組合)に加入してない上に、イスラエルの市民権も持ってないことくらい。
・Who Is Sam Bacile? Mystery of Anti-Islam Filmmaker's Link to Libya Embassy Riots Deepens(2012年9月12日 hollywoodreporter.com)
・Israel distances itself from Bacile(2012年9月12日 variety.com)

そもそも、"Sam Bacile" という人物は映画業界で全く縁のない人物、という話も・・・。
以下、2012年9月12日分 variety.com『Israel distances~』から、イスラエル外務省広報官こと Yigal Palmor 氏の発言とかを(略

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And Israel disavowed knowledge of the purported filmmaker.
"We don't know who this Bacile guy is. There's no trace of him in official registries," Yigal Palmor, spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, told Variety .
"No one has heard of him, either in the film industry or elsewhere."

"This film has nothing to do with us, and we clearly reject any manifestation of crude intolerance such as this piece, just as we condemn the unwarranted outburst of bloody violence that takes this film as its pretext," Palmor added.

Across the industry, reps for orgs like the Independent Film & Television Alliance and the Intl. Documentary Assn. said they had no knowledge of Bacile.
In Toronto, where many in the industry are gathered for the annual film festival, filmmakers were reluctant to comment on the attacks given the incendiary nature of the events.
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少なくても、イスラエル政府にしてみれば "Sam Bacile" という人物と何らかの関連があると疑われたくないようだ(つ~か市民権取得申請すらしてない人物の面倒を見てられるか、って話)

一方、問題の映画に参加した俳優やスタッフなどは、"Sam Bacile" という人物へ映画の内容について責任転嫁していた。
・Staff and crew of film that ridiculed Muslims say they were 'grossly misled'(2012年9月12日 cnn.com)

以下、2012年9月12日分 cnn.com 『Staff and crew of~』から、俳優やスタッフが CNN に送った声明について触れた部分を(略

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The 80 cast and crew members involved in the making of the movie that has roiled much of the Islamic world said Wednesday they were "grossly misled" about its intent and expressed sorrow over the resulting violence.

"The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer," they said in a statement to CNN about the movie, "Innocence of Muslims."

"We are 100% not behind this film and were grossly misled about its intent and purpose," continued the statement, which was sent to CNN by a member of the production staff who asked not to be identified for security reasons.
"We are shocked by the drastic rewrites of the script and lies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred."
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以下、2012年9月12日分 cnn.com 『Staff and crew of~』からその部分を(略

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The actress said she spoke Wednesday with the producer, who is identified in the advertisement as Sam Bassiel.
"He said he wrote the script because he wants the Muslims to quit killing," she said.
"I had no idea he was doing all this."

"I would never be involved in a film to ever hurt or bring harm to anybody," she told CNN.
"This makes me sick to my stomach to think that I was involved in that movie that brought death to somebody else."

The actress said the character of Muhammed in the movie was identified as George when it was shot, and that she returned afterward and read other lines that may have been dubbed into the piece.

A member of the production staff who worked directly on the film and has a copy of the original script corroborated the actor's account, adding that it mentions neither Muhammed nor Islam.
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仮に上の引用部分が事実だとすれば、"Sam Bacile" という人物は編集時に俳優のセリフを差し替えたことになるか。
だとすると、"Sam Bacile" という人物、思った以上の食わせモンかもしれんな。
無論、問題の映画が招いた事態については、"Sam Bacile" という人物に大きな責任があるのは言うまでもないけど・・・。

なお、"Sam Bacile" という人物の正体に関して、AP通信はとある人物(『Innocence of Islam』を制作した会社の役員)の名前を示していた。
その人物が "Sam Bacile" という人物とは確定してないけど・・・(可能性は高い)。
・(不確定事項なので伏字) Claims Role In 'Innocence Of Muslims'(2012年9月12日 huffingtonpost.com;AP)



