flagburner's blog(仮)


Jenny Tonge's perversive commnent?

2010-02-14 19:40:30 | 時事ネタ(海外)
・It is good that the IDF and others are helping・・・(2010年1月23日 flagburner's blog(仮))

実は、この件に関して英国の自由党(Liberal Democrat)所属国会議員こと Jenny Tonge 氏が、「イスラエル政府は真相究明を行うべき」という発言をしたとか。
・Lib Dem frontbencher Jenny Tonge sacked over call for Israeli soldier inquiry(2010年2月13日 guardian.co.uk)

発言の元ネタは Palestine Telegraph に掲載された、Stephen Lendman 氏の論説。
順番としては、Lendman 氏の blog に先に掲載されたのだが・・・。
・Focus on Israel: Harvesting Haitian Organs - by Stephen Lendman (2010年2月1日 Palestine Telegraph@googleキャッシュ;保存はお早めに)
・Focus on Israel: Harvesting Haitian Organs (2010年1月26日 SteveLendmanBlog)

これを受けたのか何なのか、Tonge 氏が「イスラエル政府は、ハイチにおけるイスラエル軍の行動について調査するべき」との見解を示した。
・Tonge: Investigate IDF stealing organs in Haiti(2010年2月11日 The Jewish Chronicle)

以下、2010年2月11日 The Jewish Chronicle『Investigate IDF~』からその部分を(略

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The organ theft claims were published last week in the Palestine Telegraph, an online journal based in Gaza of which Baroness Tonge is a patron.

In a statement to the JC, she said the Israel Defence Forces were “to be commended for their fantastic response to the Haitian earthquake”.

But she added: “To prevent allegations such as these -- which have already been posted on YouTube -- going any further, the IDF and the Israeli Medical Association should establish an independent inquiry immediately to clear the names of the team in Haiti.”
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以下、2010年2月11日 The Jewish Chronicle『Investigate IDF~』からその部分を(略

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Ed Fordham, the Lib Dem candidate for Hampstead and Kilburn, said: “It’s abhorrent that anyone should suggest that something as perverse and sick as this should be investigated.”

Monroe Palmer, chairman of Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel, added: “Whilst I welcome Tonge’s approval of Israeli actions in Haiti, she is misguided to call for any investigation. On this basis, there could be calls for an investigation to discover the ‘truth’ in the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

Matthew Harris, Lib Dem parliamentary candidate for Hendon, called it “perverse in the extreme to suggest that there needs to be an investigation of allegations to which she gives no credence”.
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もっとも、初めは、党首の Nick Clegg 氏は Tonge 氏を擁護していたのだが、議会でこの発言を取り上げるという話が出てきたもんだから、急遽 Tonge 氏の役職を取り上げるハメに・・・。
以下、2010年2月13日分 guardian.co.uk から、Clegg 氏がその理由を述べた部分を(略

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"Following discussions with the leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords, Lord McNally, I have decided that Jenny Tonge will stand down as Liberal Democrat health spokesperson in the Lords following her unacceptable comments suggesting an inquiry into highly offensive allegations against the IDF humanitarian operation in Haiti," Clegg said.

"The comments were wrong, distasteful and provocative and I recognise the deep and understandable distress they have caused to the Jewish community.

"While I do not believe that Jenny Tonge is antisemitic or racist, I regard her comments as wholly unacceptable. Jenny Tonge apologises unreservedly for the offence she has caused."
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Tonge 氏には、元ネタの動画自体の信憑性について検証してから発言して欲しかったところだわさ。



