flagburner's blog(仮)



2009-10-17 18:26:22 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
ちうことで、以前からイスラエルが採択を拒否していた2008年12月~2009年1月にかけてイスラエル軍が Gaza 地区で行った(中略)テロ行為に関する調査報告書が国連人権理事会で採択されたのだが・・・。
・ガザ攻撃:「戦争犯罪」報告を支持 国連人権理事会(2009年10月16日 毎日jp)


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ここでは、Amnesty International や HRW などとして複数人権団体や NGO もオブザーバーとして参加していた。
以下、2009年10月16日分 unhchr.ch の発言集(?)から、その一部を引用する。

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MAYSA ZOROB, of Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man, in a joint statement with Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights; and Defence for Children International, said that they had deeply regretted the decision to delay the consideration on the Goldstone Report, two weeks ago.
This Special Session represented an important opportunity.
There could be no justice, peace or security without accountability.
Impunity had prevailed and would continue if the Council did not take concrete action.
Occupation, which was the root cause of the conflict, had persisted for over 42 years.
Impunity effectively encouraged the continuation of unlawful activities by Israel.

JULIE DE RIVERO, of Human Rights Watch, said that Human Rights Watch had regretted the decision taken at the twelfth session of the Human Rights Council to postpone consideration of the report of the Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. Actors on all sides had played political games to the detriment of the civilian victims of the conflict.
The main focus of this Special Session should be to redress that failure.
Those responsible for the deferral needed to assess the consequences of the decision to dedicate their efforts to passing a resolution that endorsed the Mission's report in its entirety and referred it to the Secretary-General and the General Assembly.
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights should follow up on the implementation of recommendations contained in the report, not the resolution adopted during the ninth session of the Council, which focused solely on the responsibility of Israel.
Those who argued that the report would derail peace efforts should acknowledge that persistent impunity, not the prospect of justice, was the greater threat to peace.


JEREMIE SMITH, of Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, said that they regretted the decision by the Palestinian Authority, under heavy pressure from the United States, Israel and others, to delay consideration of the Goldstone report at the last regular session of the Council.
They also regretted the subsequent decision to subsume approval of the report under other indirectly related matters within this Special Session.
The report deserved to be and should have been considered on its own.
Several Human Rights Council Member States, who had supported efforts by the Council to end impunity for war crimes in Sudan, Sri Lanka and many other situations, had demonstrated unsupportive or even rejectionist positions towards this Special Session.
Such double-standards ate away at this Council's legitimacy and effectiveness like cancer.
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この採決の後、イスラエルの国連在ジュネーブ大使こと Aharon Leshno Yaar 氏がわけのわからないことをのたまっていた。
以下、2009年10月16日分 unhchr.ch の発言集(?)から(略

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AHARON LESHNO-YAAR (Israel), speaking as a concerned country, said that Israel had worried from the start of the discussions months ago that the actions of the mission would be one-sided, that the resolution, mandate, make-up and actions of the mission would be imbalanced.
But most of all, Israel had been concerned that the result could not but be unbalanced and misused.
Justice Goldstone it seemed now understood these concerns.
He had told Swiss radio yesterday that he was worried when reading the draft resolution.
It had 36 paragraphs but not a word on the rockets launched on Israel by Palestinian groups.
In this morning's "Le Temps" newspaper, Justice Goldstone said that this draft resolution saddened him, because it only made allegations against Israel.
There was no single sentence condemning Hamas.

This time, Justice Goldstone was correct.
Many of the speakers over the past two days showed no genuine interest in the Israelis or Palestinians other than ensuring that the glare of Geneva was never shined towards them.
His dilemma was that, should the draft resolution pass today, he was not sure that he had advice to give his people.
How could he explain that politics, domestic agendas and in some cases, sheer cynicism had won out.
That this body, and the report it would endorse, offered no solution to democracies fighting against terrorists.
Many understood that a real discussion of human rights, or even the nuances of Justice Goldstone's problematic report, was not the real matter on their agenda today.
If one really wanted to see Israelis and Palestinians gain confidence and see improvements on the ground for all sides, one had to reject today's proposal.

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Yaar 氏が引用した Goldstone 氏の発言については以下を参照。
・Richard Goldstone déplore la récupération politique de son rapport(2009年10月16日 infosud.org;元ネタは Le Temps)

実は、Yaar 氏の引用部分の後 Goldstone 氏はこういう発言をしていた。
以下、2009年10月16日分 infosud.org(つーか Le Temps)の記事から Goldstone 氏の発言を(略

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De passage à Berne pour une conférence, Richard Goldstone ne cache pas son irritation :
« Cette proposition de résolution m’attriste, car elle ne fait part que d’allégations à l’encontre d’Israël.
Il n’y a pas une phrase pour condamner le Hamas comme nous le faisons dans le rapport. J’espère que le Conseil pourra encore modifier ce texte. »
Le juge défend en revanche ses conclusions : « Les Américains parlent d’erreurs dans notre rapport, mais ils n’avancent pas un seul fait tangible pour le démontrer. »
Malgré l’instrumentalisation politique de son rapport – notamment par le Hamas – qu’il ne peut que déplorer, il demeure confiant sur le fait qu’il fera son chemin et sera un soutien à la paix dans la région.
Quant à la virulence des attaques israéliennes, il s’y attendait, « mais pas à un tel venin. C’est une triste expérience. »

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米国やイスラエルとかが調査に協力しなかったことも Goldstone 氏が行った発言の遠因だってのに・・・。
Yaar 氏も上手いこと Goldstone 氏の発言を「つまみ食い」してくれたな(怒笑)。



