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A proposal to change the weekend to Saturday and Sunday・・・(Oops, In Israel)

2011-07-05 20:45:48 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
イスラエルの Gaza 地区封鎖に対する抗議船団ネタが続いたので、今回は小休止。

・Netanyahu to decide fate of 5-day work week in fall(2011年7月4日 jpost.com)
・Gov't to consider adding Sunday as day of rest(2011年7月5日 ynetnews.com)
・נתניהו הקים ועדה: האם יום א' יהיה יום חופש?
(2011年7月4日 ynet.co.il;ヘブライ語)
・Netanyahu to consider shortening Israel's work week to four days(2011年7月5日 Haaretz.com)
・רה"מ בנימין נתניהו הורה על בחינת מעבר למתכונת "סוף שבוע ארוך"
(2011年7月4日 Haaretz.co.il;ヘブライ語)
・סופ"ש ארוך? נתניהו הורה לבחון אפשרות להפוך את יום א' לחופש(2011年7月4日 nrg.co.il;ヘブライ語)


とにかく、天下の Benyamin NETANYAHU イスラエル首相は、イスラエル国家経済会議(?:National Economic Council )の座長である Eugene Kandel 教授を兼任の(・・・)座長にして、この件を議論する委員会(ややこしい)を立ち上げた。
しかし、NETANYAHU 首相はあまり乗り気でないようで・・・。
以下、2011年7月5日分 jpost.com『Netanyahu to decide~』から前半部分を(略

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The committee, which will be headed by National Economic Council head Prof.
Eugene Kandel, will consider Vice Premier Silvan Shalom's proposal for Israeli workers to have off on Sundays, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz's idea of eliminating the current half day of work on Fridays, and the status quo that is promoted by Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar.

The three Likud ministers, who all see themselves as future prime ministers, sparred on the issue at Monday's Likud faction meeting.
At the end of the meeting, Netanyahu, who arrived late, announced the formation of Kandel's committee, which will release its findings when the Knesset returns from its summer recess in October.

"There are good arguments on all sides of the issue," Netanyahu told the MKs, declaring neutrality until the committee issues its findings.

Likud officials speculated that Netanyahu might be unlikely to support giving Sundays off, because the idea is being promoted by Shalom, who is his Likud rival.
A press release from Netanyahu announcing the formation of the committee conspicuously made no reference to Shalom.

But a Likud MK close to Netanyahu said the Shalom factor was balanced out by the fact that the prime minister was aware that the idea of shortening the work week was originally promoted by Natan Sharansky and Yuli Edelstein, with whom Netanyahu is on good terms.

"If the decision is made on a professional basis, I am sure it will pass, because it's so right for Israel's economy and society," Shalom said.
"The formation of the committee is a step in the right direction."
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以下、2011年7月5日分 Haaertz.com『Netanyahu to consider~』から、Silvan Shalom イスラエル副首相のコメント部分を(略

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Shalom said the shift would be good for Israel's economy, exporters, stock exchange traders and high-tech companies.
Contrary to the general assumption, moving to a long weekend would not reduce the work hours, he said.

The move will also lead to a five-day school week, which would mean introducing a long school day and providing lunch at school, he said.

A long school day would remove the restrictions on many working women, enabling them to advance to senior executive positions.

In addition, a long weekend would help to develop leisure and culture activities, with youth movements and community centers able to hold activities for school children on Sundays.
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Shalom 副首相は、問題の案提案した理由について意味深な理由を挙げてたんだよな。
以下、2011年7月5日分 ynetnews.com『Gov't to consider~』から、その部分を(略

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"It's a cosmopolitan move. Those who wish to join the world must adopt this 'long weekend' model of Saturday-Sunday as done by many countries across the world, such as India, China, Japan and Muslim countries such as Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia and more," explained Shalom.

"Nearly 75% of the world's population work according to this model, and Israel must join and align itself with the world," he added.
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