flagburner's blog(仮)



2010-12-26 20:13:44 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・Israel's (madness) War on Refugees(Nov 24, 2010)(2010年11月24日 flagburner's blog(仮))

これに関して、人権のための医師団イスラエル支部(Physicians for Human Rights - Israel)が今月13日になって入国ブローカー達やイスラエル国内における難民申請者への扱いを調べた報告書を公表していたのだが・・・。
・'Asylum seekers trying to reach Israel are being trapped and tortured in Sinai'(2010年12月26日 Haaretz.com)
・Hostages, Torture, and Rape in the Sinai Desert: A PHR-Israel update about recently arriving asylum seekers, 13.12.10(2010年12月13日 phr.org.il)

・Testimonies of Sexual Assault(2010年10月7日 phr.org.il;.pdfファイル)
・Testimonies of Gunshot Wounds and Other Injuries on the Journey to Israel(2010年10月7日 phr.org.il;.pdfファイル)
・Questionnaire for New Patients(2010年12月7日 phr.org.il;.pdfファイル)

今回の調査対象となった難民申請者達のデータの一部を、2010年12月7日分 phr.org.il『Questionnaire for~』から引用しとく。

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-- 平均:$2,672(US、以下同じ)
-- 最高金額:$9,000
-- 平均:$741

*エリトリアとエチオピア出身(回答者 131名)
-- はい:48%
-- いいえ:52%
*その他(回答者 32名)
-- はい:44%
-- いいえ:57%
-- はい:47%
-- いいえ:53%

*エリトリアとエチオピア出身(回答者 110名)
-- 家屋とか:57%
-- コンテナ:10%
-- 屋外:29%
-- 洞窟やほら穴:4%
*その他(回答者 24名)
-- 家屋とか:63%
-- コンテナ:4%
-- 屋外:33%
-- 洞窟やほら穴:0%

*エリトリアとエチオピア出身(回答者 127名)
-- はい:53%
-- いいえ:47%
*その他(回答者 31名)
-- はい:71%
-- いいえ:29%

*エリトリアとエチオピア出身(回答者 114名)
-- はい:15%
-- いいえ:85%
*その他(回答者 29名)
-- はい:7%
-- いいえ:93%

*エリトリアとエチオピア出身(回答者 39名、女性 13名)
-- 暴行(殴る蹴る、鞭打ちなど):77%
-- 火傷:10%
-- 砂に埋める:8%
-- 電気ショック:5%
-- 炎天下に放置:2%
-- 手と足を縛って吊し上げ:8%
-- 性的暴行:13%(女性の 38%)
-- (イスラエル+エジプトの)国境警備隊からの銃撃:21%
-- 殺害脅迫:26%
*エリトリアとエチオピア出身(回答者 8名)
-- 暴行(殴る蹴る、鞭打ちなど):63%
-- 火傷:0%
-- 砂に埋める:0%
-- 電気ショック:0%
-- 炎天下に放置:13%
-- 手と足を縛って吊し上げ:0%
-- 性的暴行:0%
-- (イスラエル+エジプトの)国境警備隊からの銃撃:50%
-- 殺害脅迫:0%

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以下、2010年10月7日分 phr.org.il『Testimonies of Gunshot Wounds~』から、2人分の証言を(略

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I., a 24-year-old man from Sudan, arrived in Israel in late June 2010.
He was shot at the Egyptian-Israeli border seven times in late June 2010, which illustrates the “shoot to kill” policy often employed by Egyptian soldiers.
He has no family in Israel, and all his family in Sudan was killed in the fighting there.
He spent two months in the hospital and he was released with nowhere to go. A private person, a student from
Be'er Sheva took the case upon herself and arranged for him to live in a hostel for homeless people in Be'er Sheva.
He currently receives his follow up from the Open Clinic, including medications.
He requires more extensive rehabilitation that we are unable to provide.

S., a 29-year-old man from Eritrea, arrived in Israel in January 2010.
He was shot at the Egyptian-Israeli border multiple times and was in the hospital for seven months in Be’er Sheva.
Upon his release, the hospital paid for a taxi to Assaf (an aid organization for refugees and asylum seekers).
The taxi dropped him off in the evening outside Assaf’s door.
He was holding his own catheter.
Luckily, somebody from the organization was walking outside to their car and spotted him.
He is suffering from mental stress, severe urological problems, and requires significant rehabilitation.
He is currently living in a hostel in Jerusalem.
A volunteer that his assisting him brings him medication from our Open Clinic.
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以下、2010年12月13日分 phr.org.il『Hostages, Torture, and~』から最後の段落を(略

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Every refugee that crosses into Israel is detained at one of two Israeli detention facilities.
As of today, approximately 2,000 refugees and asylum seekers, including women, small children, and unaccompanied minors, are currently in Israeli prison facilities.
An under-funded and often discriminatory prison system means that refugees have to wait long periods of time before seeing a prison physician and issues like gynecology, rehabilitation, and mental health are mostly neglected.
After waiting weeks, and sometimes months, asylum seekers are released with nothing but a bus ticket to one of Israel's major cities.
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