flagburner's blog(仮)


Kevin Rudd's Hypocracy

2010-01-06 17:46:48 | 捕鯨騒動
去年12月、鳩山(兄)首相に対し「調査捕鯨」に関して訴訟を起こす可能性を(3度?)示唆した Rudd 豪首相。
この件に関し、野党の国会議員(下院)である Greg Hunt 氏が、豪環境相こと Peter Garrett 氏に対し強硬な態度を示すことを求めたのだが・・・。
・Letter to Garrett: The Time Has Come on Whaling Action(2010年1月4日 greghunt.com.au)
・Australia should prosecute Japan over whaling: Opposition(2010年1月4日 smh.com.au;AAP)
・Opposition extends whaling ultimatum(2010年1月4日 abc.net.au)

元は、Hunt 氏が今年の元旦付けで Garrett 氏に送りつけた書簡。
この中で Hunt 氏は、Rudd 首相の日本政府への煮え切らない対応について怒りを示していた。
以下、2010年1月4日分 greghunt.com.au『Letter to Garrett~』の中から、公開書簡部分を引用する。

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1 January 2010
The Hon Peter Garrett MP
Minister for Environment, Heritage and the Arts
PO Box 6022
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Dear Minister,
I am writing to express my extreme frustration and disappointment that you have once again refused to send a ship to the Southern Ocean to chronicle the annual slaughter of the great whales.

From this I can only assume that you believe you already have sufficient evidence to mount an international court case against Japan.

The Labor Party has been promising for three years now to take Japan to the International Court of Justice, yet new whaling seasons have continued to roll round without any action.

Will you now commit to a date to institute your promised court case?

As a show of your commitment to keep this promise, I call on you to submit court documents to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea by January 31.

These documents could be withdrawn if Japan acceded to our request to put an end to whaling by June 30 this year.

If that does not happen, your Government would at least be denied the opportunity of using an impending election as an excuse to ignore the promise it made in 2005 -- half a decade ago -- to stop this senseless slaughter once and for all.

Yours sincerely,
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Rudd 首相は選挙目的で日本の「調査捕鯨」への抗議をしてる、ときたか。

ま、RUdd 首相がその準備をしてるとは到底思えないが・・・。

これに対して、Garrett 氏側は Hunt 氏といった野党側の対応を非難していた。
以下、2009年1月4日分 smh.com.au『Australia should prosecute~』から Garrett 氏のスポークスマンのコメントを(略

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However, a spokesman for Mr Garrett said Mr Hunt was pushing for deadlines the opposition would never have contemplated themselves.

"For 12 years Mr Hunt and the Liberal Party repeatedly ruled out international legal action, refused to monitor the Japanese whaling fleet and oversaw a doubling of the number of whales targeted by Japan in the Southern Ocean," the spokesman said.

"Now the opposition spokesman hunts for a headline by imposing false deadlines for action his party wouldn't contemplate."

He said the Government remained resolutely opposed to whaling, but would endeavour to resolve the matter diplomatically before resorting to international legal action.
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流石に Rudd 首相も、日本の「調査捕鯨」を問うために国会を解散するわけにも行かないだろうし(というか環境税導入を問う解散に現実味があるし)。

これを書いてる途中で、Sea Shepherd が今回の抗議活動でもう 1隻船を投入してるという話を知った(後の記事で・・・)。
・The Time is Right for Bob Barker to Rescue the Whales (2010年1月5日 Sea Shepherd)



