ES335tdとVibrolux Reverbに魅せられた52才のブルースマン 猫記事もあったりして


2006年02月03日 | VibroluxReverb

 2007/11/2 blues-boy

Q. "Can the serial number on my old Fender amp tell me what year it was made?"

A. Probably not, as historically, serial numbers were not used to track production dates on Fender amplifiers. It may still be possible, however, to determine approximately what year the amp was made. We offer a comprehensive book on the history of Fender amps which may be ordered or purchased from your local Fender Dealer. The book is called "Fender Amps the First Fifty Years" (P/N 099-5011), and it is an extremely valuable resource for anyone interested in dating, and getting other detailed information on the history and evolution of Fender amps.
If you have an old "Blackface" amp, ("Blackface" refers to the color of the panel behind the control knobs, not the color of the grille-cloth), or perhaps an early "Silverface" amp, you may be able to establish the approximate production date of the amp by referring to the chart below.
On the inside wall of your amp cabinet, there may be a tube location sticker which shows the tube layout, model number, production location etc.. There may also be some letter date codes rubber stamped on this sticker. These date codes will contain two letters of the alphabet which refer to the year and month of production, and may be interpreted as follows:

【1st Letter=Year】
A =1951
B =1952
C =1953
D =1954
E =1955
F =1956
G =1957
H =1958
I =1959
K =1961
L =1962
M =1963
N =1964
O =1965
P =1966
Q =1967
R =1968
【2nd Letter= MONTH】
A =January
B =February
C =March
D =April
E =May
F =June
G =July
H =August
I =September
J =October
K =November
L =December


In the absence of the rubber-stamped date codes, EIA numbers taken from the transformers may allow you to determine the date of production of your amp. These numbers always begin with "606" , and are followed by three or four digits in various combinations. If three digits are present, the first digit would refer the units of the year i.e. ("7" would mean 1967). If four digits are present, the first two digits refer to the year i.e. ("66" would mean 1966). The last two digits would refer to the week of the year i.e. ("26" would mean the 26th week or approximately June). Here is an example: EIA 606-4-21 would mean the 21st week of 1964. It is also advisable to add about 6 months to the date to allow for time these parts may have spent in storage before the assembly process.
There are other methods used to date your "Silverface" amplifier and most will require that you compile the date codes from your speaker frames, tube chart or power transformer, and as much other detailed information you can about your amp. Once you have this information, there are many good independent publications and amplifier books which may be helpful in trying to reference an amp's age. You may also call our Consumer Relations Department at 602-596-7195 and a Rep. will be happy to try and help you place an approximate date of production on your amplifier.


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fander siteリニューアル (blues335td)
2007-11-02 21:21:48
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