

百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか


2020-07-04 01:00:31 | 時事
A U.S. Conspiracy? The timer for breaking the canyon dam is a gadget that can adjust the strength of the US general contractor! ⬅Disabled Jews who spread falsehoods.

頭が統合失調症なんだな もと北京アメリカの領事館勤務外交員?
You're a schizophrenic. You were a diplomat at the American consulate in Beijing?


I'm going to identify the ludicrous racism factor in America.
If you can cleanse yourself, you need information to tell what's out of whack.
The persecution of the Jews started with these falsehoods.
The same basic reason why the self-proclaimed Jewish demographic is hated in Japan.

朝堂院大覚 CIA工作員と言われてた大日本帝国の元軍人家系 大阪の枚方市にあった古い家の御曹司と言われてたようだけど、見るからに朝鮮人


The story that Israel blew up the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in a terrorist attack is also a big lie
This is the self-styled Japanese in Japan who have been spreading the word online.
Asadoin Taikan, said to be a CIA agent, a former military family of the Empire of Japan. He was said to be the sergeant of an old family in Hirakata, Osaka, but he's a Korean to look at.
When was the last time I saw you, you were meeting with Putin in Russia, so you must have been a Russian agent.

That means that there are Russian agents in the CIA. It would have been a common problem in the US.
Israel did it! When this is the case, it is mostly the falsehoods of intelligence psychopaths. Falsehoods with no corroboration.
This has caused a total hurricane wave of CIA hate in the US.


これロシアの潜伏スパイだな ようするに。
だから半年か、数ヶ月前 これだ!
CIAの虚言吐きも統合失調症だぞ たぶん。

The CIA liars are schizophrenic too, probably.It's safe to say that this lying falsehood class has been the downfall of America.

This is a Russian sleeper agent, for God's sake.
I've seen the history of Russian brainwashing and propaganda, and I've seen the history of Russian brainwashing and propaganda, and I'm sure they did this kind of operation a lot, so people I guess the wolf game came out too. The more people who play that game, the more falsehoods they have, the more they win the game.
So six months, maybe a few months ago, this is it!
That's what he blogs about.This is a Russian sleeper agent, for God's sake.
I've seen the history of Russian brainwashing and propaganda, and I've seen the history of Russian brainwashing and propaganda, and I'm sure they did this kind of operation a lot, so people I guess the wolf game came out too. The more people who play that game, the more falsehoods they have, the more they win the game.
So six months, maybe a few months ago, this is it!
That's what he blogs about.
The CIA liars are schizophrenic too, probably.





Why were Russia and China able to create an atmosphere of strength with increased defense spending after the disaster?
Simply because I am a misanthrope and fraudulent misanthrope.
Too much publicity and falsehoods from the US to Israel as a character has brought disaster and calamity upon the US.

On the other hand, if those urban legends from those days had the prospect of Russian involvement, I'd be happy to use Russian military methods.
Putin, I'm not laughing at you.
The cowardly election will be written by me in semi-permanent terms.
The Israel haters are a layer of falsehoods and deceit to call themselves Jews and call themselves Israel.

Israelism in Japan is a bunch of falsehoods and frauds.
The Japanese government is a good example of this, and the Empire of Japan was led by Akihito, a self-proclaimed tributary of Israel.

Every time Trump defends Israel, there is often a disaster.
So Obama himself is Israel.
Even though he is from Kenya, Obama is a self-proclaimed Israeli bloodline.


「そうならば、自分の地域に起きる災害を食い止められるだろ?やってみろ 出来てないじゃないか!」


The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was attacked by Israeli terrorists! I'm among the crazies who keep saying, "I'm not going to be able to do that. Working backwards, this Korean bloodline was working in favor of Russia and in favor of China. And he was listed as a CIA operative in his profile, all along.
If a KGB agent was listed as a CIA agent for camouflage, you wouldn't know it in the United States.

Because the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant wasn't a terrorist attack in Israel. At the time, the falsehoods were put out by me in a lot of yahoos blogs, and when I was cornered, I wrote this That an Israeli company was contracted to provide security services at a nuclear power plant so it could carry out a terrorist attack.
The Japanese who are big liars may now be mostly Russian agents.
To top it all off, it was also spread that the subsequent typhoons and hurricanes were caused by US weather weapons. Most of them come from the same place. By contrast, I'm not sure
If that's the case, we can stop the disaster from happening in our area, right? Try it, you didn't do it!
I wrote this down, every time.
So, "American HAARP has done it again! That's why the number of falsehoods that have been spouted has decreased furiously. It sucks to be served up what's been happening for nine years now in English translation.

The only layer of falsehoods are the self-proclaimed Israelis.
Japan's falsehoods are the falsehoods of its intelligence officers.
You have Russian military or Russian spies in the Obama area.

それも協議した事にならないな ロシア


Russia's Plans for Arctic Gas Development
At the time of this topic, Russia was offering 10 trillion in Russia.
Is this article coming out now?
But he went crazy and we're not paying a trillion dollars! And I presented it.
Then I brought this topic up again and again in the arrangement.
Mitsui and Mitsubishi participated in the 100 billion unit. 
The story of the trillions is gone.
That doesn't mean we discussed it either, Russia.
You're going to make it sound like they weren't talking about the North.
That's when it was discovered that the Mitsui family could speak Russian.

The crazies were in the Mitsubishi and Mitsui families, and I expected that most of the idiots in the group stalking would be the Mitsui route.
The Soka Gakkai under Mitsui's umbrella, and even more schizophrenic relatives of the old bureaucracy, are often schizophrenic.





Russia and China are notoriously private when it comes to the amount of information the US has. America's poor economy is one of the phenomena caused by the calamity, and it's not fair to admit it, either.
If you think you're in the shadow of that calamity and you think you've surpassed the US on a foundation of less public information, I'll give you a natural disaster.
It would be better to recognize that you are only in a position to rake in the American misfortune.
If there is a part of the American psyche that I don't like, that was the source of our misfortune, then the situation can be changed by purifying ourselves.

The Russians' rush to complete their sea-floating nuclear plant started with my blog, and the timing of my sanctioning of the US to export nuclear power to India.

The whole world was running on my blog.
So you can do the opposite, and you can see where the solidarity is from this trend.

I was in Russia and, speaking of which, I was expanding in India.



In nuclear power, if Areva had also gone bankrupt, the fallen GE would have teamed up with Hitachi and I'd have too many bad loans! And then he lost his temper and Westinghouse was ruined.
Come to think of it, the damn thing is China built a nuclear power plant, and Russia's state-owned nuclear company is alive and well.

And that's because I'm the one who can make it an attack target, not Israel, etc.




So what? Is the mountain gorge dam involving the American company "Bechtel"?

Shouldn't a schizophrenic crazy Japanese man die?
This time, if the canyon dam were to be breached by a flood, it would be because of something planted by the American Bechtel Corporation! I'm ready to concentrate on Russia because I want to stop writing about criminals who write all over the place with

Adjustable intensity function + artificial rainfall
This is definitely not the case.
Russian intelligence officers are working from Japan to direct their anger at the Chinese people toward the US in Japanese.









Adjustable intensity function + artificial rainfall

First of all, you can't adjust the strength of a concrete embankment. Concrete itself is not a substance that moves by adjustment. We want them to go to jail and not come out. This is a topic reworked by a self-proclaimed Japanese Chinese or Korean, so this is the content.

There is no strength adjustment of the concrete itself.
However, if the joint of the concrete of the embankment is weak, if extra junk is mixed in during casting, the strength of this side of the embankment is weak, or if the drying of the concrete is not good, or if there are many air bubbles, or if there is still water left in the concrete, the strength of the concrete is weak.

The strength is not something that can be adjusted.
Because your Japanese is wrong. You can't adjust the strength of concrete.

I'm going to spread the story and information about people like spies using Japanese language from Japan because they are actually the source of the big lie and they are probably self-proclaimed Israelis.

If you're going to insinuate about artificial rainfall in the US, you can do it so that your area doesn't get flooded, right? Because this is another falsehood.

It's only a submersion of my belly, which I wrote in a roundabout way that it might break down. This has happened before, and you know it because it was submerged.

I wrote an urban legend, and when I blogged about it, they copied the content of the legend
It would be North Korea that would do the cowardly thing. Do you see North Korea's position in Iran and losing business partners? It's possible. The crazed Momota who is campaigning for a beautiful Japan on the outside of Abe's office is also a North Korean guy.
The damned, murderous Empire of Japan that won't pay back 9 billion and 30 million forever.

【領土】ロシア上院の国際委員長「日本と北方領土の帰属交渉していない」 Pars Today [次郎丸★] (197)
ニュース速報+ 2020-07-01 17:23

自民党「日本政府に習近平の訪日中止を求める」 中国政府「我々は相手にする時間も興味もない」 (243)
ニュース速報 2020-07-03 23:11 (4 res/h)


自分は無茶苦茶やるんだよ びっくりする位

全部 嫌いだから
本体を見つけるまで 裏付けとるまで

あげく、中国じゃ男が男をレイプする 韓国が先か中国が先か

Pars Today [Jiromaru*] (197)
Breaking News + 2020-07-01 17:23

Liberal Democratic Party 'calls on Japanese government to cancel Xi Jinping's visit to Japan' Chinese government 'We have neither time nor interest in dealing with him' (243)
Breaking News 2020-07-03 23:11 (4 res/h)

Putin and Kimpoe are all over the place.
Did you ever think that a rattled America was on the other side of the river?

I'm a reckless person. I'm amazed at what I can do.

Group stalking, repeated falsehoods, crazy prostitution, LGBT racket, fraudulent acquisition of nationality, victimization industry, rewriting to embezzlement.
I don't like everything.
Until we can find the mainframe, we have to back it up.

Russian brainwashing.
Didn't they do that in China? 
On top of that, in China, men rape men. Korea first or China second.
Too many men in China? The number of homosexuals has increased, and the girls in the Uyghur area are in trouble.
Are you going to be targeted for rape?
In Japan, most rapists are either former Koreans or people who were involved in the administration of a public institution, or have a strong samurai mindset from the tribe.

無人殺害機は 自分が前考えてた品物。






Drones are what I had in mind.
When Japan, which has a small population, wanted to expand its military in a place with a large population like Russia, it was going to make it one of the final military items to be produced.
It pissed me off, so I'm going to put it out there explicitly.

It's still not enough, so they were thinking of diverting the nuclear waste from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. I've written about this occasionally.

Weapons of massacre can only be used if you don't think of people as human beings. The people who carried it out would be in no position to complain about it, would they? Not if you're being forced to defend yourself. Don't you think?

Disabled people have human rights! So China and Russia in industry are strong. They set up other countries and defend their own places.
Where is the upper limit of the military?
Have you ever thought about it? Defending your country?

Then, the group that destroyed the country that our family enthroned and replaced it with a different organization was an enemy that thought it was their country, and they had a lot of enemies in the public eye, and they had enemies in the legislature that were spending money on their own property.
I mean, you've been getting the benefit of the doubt on that one, haven't you?

Be prepared for bombs to fall all over the place.

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