文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

SK Hynix is the "one of the culprits" who dragged Toshiba to the bottom of the abyss

2017年08月19日 23時00分40秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in the sentence other than heading is me.

SK Hynix Spy Activity

Contrary to Toshiba’s official announcement "Acquisition by policy investment bank and US Bain Capital", SK Hynix, a major Korean memory maker, sneakily plans to trade behind the underwriting of Bain Capital's voting convertible bonds the news of the impact shocked that he was doing it.

"Convertible bonds" are half of the character of bonds, but they can be transformed into shares when certain is conditions are reached, and it is easy to take over as it is exactly the same as the acquisition of shares when converted to shares.

Toshiba's president Tsunakawa, who commented as "SK Hynix does not have voting rights as it finances one of the corporate coalitions," it is natural that shareholders felt angry at the duplicity of president Tsunakawa.

SK Hynix is the "one of the culprits" who dragged Toshiba to the bottom of the abyss in addition to the Westinghouse.

But it was reported in 2014, Yoshitaka Sugita, former employee of SanDisk, was hired by SK Hynix from 2008 to 2010 and caused Toshiba's memory technology to leak to Korea.

Toshiba developed NAND flash memory in 1987.

SK Hynix successfully developed in 2004 and 17 years late from Toshiba.

However, in 2013 after Sugita Yoshitaka leaked technology, the technology caught up with Toshiba who was technically ahead for 17 years, and this year saw record high profits.

Is there such a thing?

Of course, Toshiba won the suit against Prestige, "the steal profit "For SK Hynix, which is only 33 billion yen.

And SK Hynix, which was supposed to be technically inferior, burned out record high operating profit in the January - March 2017 period.

Products made with stolen technology do not require cost allocation of R & D expenses, so costs can be reduced.

R & D expenses of Japanese companies will not be able to recover their investment unless technology is kept.

However, in order to protect the technology of Japanese companies, Japan was unable to establish an anti-spy law.

Only the poor Japanese who was the executing offender was arrested and the officials of the main criminal SK Hynix issued "highest profit" in the home country without any blame and are indulging in luxury with a huge bonus.

Even though the lawsuit in Japan has ended, there is a risk that SK Hynix will still seek an injunction or the like from Toshiba.

That's why they are trying to grasp the management intervention of Toshiba Memory and the right to refuse special resolution of shareholders.

This draft continues.
